




1.拂去家具上的灰土 ·红茶是 red tea? dust the furniture 拂去家具上的灰土 ...

2.掸去家具灰尘 收拾桌子: clean the table 掸去家具灰尘dust the furniture 洗碗: wash/do the dishes ...

3.掸掉家具上的灰尘 ... Wipe the shelves. 请擦一擦柜子。 Dust the furniture. 掸掉家具上的灰尘。 Make the bed. 整理床铺。 ...

4.掸掉家俱上的灰尘 ... vt. 1. 去掉...上的灰尘; 掸(灰) dust the furniture 掸掉家俱上的灰尘 dust a cake with sugar 在蛋糕上撒糖 ...

5.擦家具 do my homework 做作业 dust the furniture 擦家具 help mom 帮助妈妈 ...

6.抹去家具上的灰尘 n. 灰尘, 尘土, 尘埃 dust the furniture. 抹去家具上的灰尘 ...

7.弹去家具灰尘 ... Q. take out the garbage 倒垃圾 A. dust the furniture 弹去家具灰尘 B. recycle the newspapers 回收报纸 ...

8.擦拭家具上的灰尘 dust the furniture 擦拭家具上的灰尘 dusted the cookies with sugar 在饼乾上撒糖粉 ...


1.I try not to think about it too much, but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.我努力使自己不想那么多,但已经开始每周为家俱掸一次灰了。

2.I usually have to dust the furniture on Sundays.在星期天我经常地打扫家具上的灰尘。

3.I used a piece of rag to dust the furniture.我用一块抹布擦拭家具上的灰尘。

4.If it is your job to dust the furniture at home, dust it so that not a single spot of dirt shows from any angle.如果你的工作是灰尘家里的家具,灰尘,这样不是一盏聚光灯的泥土显示从任何角度。

5.I hate to dust the furniture and bookcases.我非常讨厌擦拭家具和书架上的尘埃。

6.She ought to tidy the room, dust the furniture, popsh the floor and cook meal.她要收拾房间、掸家具上的灰、给地板上光蜡,还有煮饭。

7.Dust the furniture.家具上积着灰尘。

8.Yes, I can. I want to dust the furniture.可以。我要擦家具上的灰尘。

9.Therefore, every day to dust the furniture.因此,每天都要为家具除尘。

10.How to Dust the Furniture怎样给家具擦尘