


美式发音: [ˈdʌtʃmən] 英式发音: ['dʌtʃmən]






n.1.a man from the Netherlands

1.荷兰人 weaken 削弱,减弱; Dutchman 荷兰人 deteriorate (使)恶化 ...

2.荷兰商船 Dutch Boy toe 荷兰式男鞋头 dutchman 填隙片 edging 饰边 ...

4.男性荷兰人 荷兰的 Dutch 男性荷兰人 Dutchman 女性荷兰人 Dutchwoman ...

5.飞行的荷兰人的心脏,只要David Jones一死,自己就做了飞翔荷兰人Dutchman)的船长,这样Beckett就必败无疑。

7.荷兰人是 ... 白人是 Paleface 荷兰人是 Dutchman 黄种人是 Chinaman.Chink ...

8.荷兰男人 nederlag = defeat 失败 nederländare = Dutchman 荷兰男人 ...


1.The Dutchman waited a good hour after the ghost disappeared before crawpng out of the bushes and making his way home.无头骑士消失后,荷兰人足足等了一个小时才敢从灌木丛里爬出来回家。

2.If Arsenal progress in the Champions League, the Dutchman would also be in contention to play around the time of the semi-finals.如果阿森纳在欧冠联赛取得进展,范佩西也可能在大约半决赛的时候出场。

3.Earper in October, the Dutchman, whose contract with Milan runs out in the summer, admitted he wants to see out his career at PSV.十月初,荷兰人承认本赛季与米兰的合同结束后,他希望在埃因霍温退役。

4.The 23-year-old Dutchman has never been a regular first eleven player at Anfield since moving to Liverpool in 2007.23岁的荷兰人自从07年加盟以来还未曾成为真正的主力队员。

5.The young Dutchman says that he needs a more ruthless streak in his finishing to force his way into Arsene Wenger's thinking.这位年轻的荷兰人说他需要在射门上更加的有侵略性才能让自己在阿森温格的阵容中杀出一条路来。

6.They let the Dutchman go, and as soon as the band was out of sight he hastened to Albany and warned the general of their approach.荷兰人一待这群人走出视线,便急忙赶到阿尔巴尼州,提醒将军敌人即将到来。

7."That's what the Flyin' Dutchman thought, " Jimmy assured him. "Come on, now, let's get out a this. There's lots of other girls. Come on. "“当初荷兰飞人也是那么想的,”吉米向他保证,“好了,咱们别再提这事了。姑娘多的是,算了吧。”

8.Anyhow , the Dutchman gave a shout , he jumped about two feet into the air and whipped out a revolver .总之,那个荷兰人大叫一声,一蹦二尺来高,唰地抽出一把手枪。

9.As he spoke, several of the men heaved a chest over the rail and onto the deck of the Dutchman.就在他训话的时候,几个人把一个箱子举过船舷抬到“荷兰人号”的甲板上来。

10.It was the Dutchman's 50th in all competitions for the Reds and the vice-captain was quick to pay tribute to his teammate.这是荷兰人代表利物浦所打进的50粒进球,副队长非常快盛赞自己的队友。