



[ dwindling ]

v. 减少, 缩小


If I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into a wife.


The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.


Drought has dwindled the crops.


My money had dwindled away.



动词过去式: dwindled | 动词过去分词: dwindled | 动词现在分词: dwindling | 动词第三人称单数: dwindles |



动词过去式: dwindled | 动词过去分词: dwindled | 动词现在分词: dwindling | 动词第三人称单数: dwindles |


名词 dwindling:

a becoming gradually less

同义词:dwindling away

动词 dwindle:

become smaller or lose substance

同义词:dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down

形容词 dwindling:

gradually decreasing until little remains

同义词:tapering, tapering off


1. Intravenous administration of sodium dimercaptosuccinate 0.25 g/kg conferred no marked action, but a dose twice the amount brought about cardiac arrhythmia together with a dwindling CBF and an augmenting CVR.

(三)?脉注射二巯基丁二酸?0.25克/千克时,未??对CBF和CVR的明显作用。 而剂量加倍时?t引起心律紊乱、CBF减慢和CVR加大。

2. Expo 2008, themed on the world's dwindling water resources, opened in the Spanish city of Zaragoza on June 14, days after the riverside site narrowly escaped flooding.


3. The 2008 financial crisis that engulfed the world, it has been met with varying degrees of impact business card printing and membership card making business once dwindling.


4. Locals worry about the precious, dwindling cowboy culture.


5. A maiko, or geisha-in-training, strolls through the streets of Kyoto. She is a member of a famed, but dwindling sorority of entertainers.


6. She steps down with her political future cloud edby ethics probes, mounting legal bills and dwindling popularity.


7. That has left little spare production capacity and,in Americaat least, dwindling stocks.


8. Week after week, with unfaltering and steadfast spirit, Elijah watched that dwindling brook;


9. Brimming with charcoal from southern Somalia's dwindling forests, a truck rolls toward a port in Mogadishu.


10. Unfortunately, even the news from the mass media is dwindling whereas the current situation in Burma should draw our outmost support and attention.


11. Palm oil is just about 5 percent off a historic high of 2,764 ringgit reached in early June on robust demand from top importers China and India and dwindling supplies at home.


12. Those experts say that the most effective efforts include structural specialists, who suggest places where pockets deeper in the rubble could be harboring the dwindling number of survivors.


13. With two children in college, neither having been able to maintain their scholarships, not only was John and Alice's retirement dwindling but also their ability to make ends meet.


14. In an effort to save its dwindling cash, General Motors has said that it is accelerating its plan to close or sell off Saturn by the end of this year.


15. Perhaps nothing better captures the blessedly dwindling appeal of Quebec sovereignty than this week's grim loyalists' manifesto.


16. That has left little spare production capacity and, in America at least, dwindling stocks.


17. Dwindling and wasted crops, soaring prices, unsustainable farming practices are just some of the factors which combine to put vulnerable people at life-threatening risks.


18. Right in principleYet Marxist thinking retains great influence far beyond the dwindling number who proclaim themselves to be Marxists.


19. One could see in the roll of his eyes just how he had glanced covertly over the dwindling pile of chips at his step-father's party


20. People can survive under rubble for up to seven days, but dwindling air supply, injuries and dehydration take their toll on those clinging to life.


21. there is no greater sadness that the dwindling away of a family.


22. The population is dwindling.


23. Prisons and jails took some of the biggest cuts this summer when legislators cut their state budgets, trying to slash their way out of an economic morass exacerbated by dwindling tax revenues.


24. The situation is a far cry from the good old days. With student enrolment dwindling, the Japanese-language schools are struggling to survive.


25. They are also adapting to an environment of more regulation, less risk, and dwindling profits.


26. They discussed the effect of dwindling wetlands on ducks and geese.


27. But with dwindling goodwill from his good fellows and a huge price on his head, his days are numbered and he knows it.


28. His own identity was fading out into a grey impalpable world: the solid world itself, which these dead had one time reared and lived in, was dissolving and dwindling.


29. In fact Palestinian political and militant groups are so fragmented, thanks in no small part to Israel's attempts to break them, that the chance of any of them imposing their will on the others is slight and dwindling.


30. But since the number of Republicans is dwindling, that still leaves Mr Obama with a healthy level of support.


31. However, some scientists argue that other animals, such as foxes, are much more to blame for dwindling numbers of native species.


32. However with waters from the glacier dwindling, degenerating capacity for hydroelectricity that follows will impact industrial production and irrigation capacity, the latter of which in turn will result in agricultural reduction of output.


33. For example, yard managers can receive advanced warning of dwindling capacity by charting yard utilization over time.


34. Officials blame bad weather, and pollution for the dwindling numbers of sturgeon - the fish whose eggs produce one of the world's priciest gourmet treats.


35. The spiny echinoderms, a potential peril to swimmers stepping on rocks, feast on kelp, which is dwindling along California's coastline.


36. gest carmaker, plans to shore up dwindling cash reserves by offering almost all its plants and other automotive assets in the US as security for an $18bn loan package.


37. Discovered by outsiders in 1979, the crested iguana’s numbers are rapidly dwindling due to the brisk spread of introduced species, such as feral cats and black rats.


38. By the time the humans managing the energy of Earth awakened to the fact that something was not right, they were unable to see how to rectify the dwindling light.


39. The number of nuclear families is dwindling in US just like many other western countries, according to a report issued the day before yesterday.


40. To cope, Germany will have to make the most of its dwindling workforce.


41. Follow the dwindling sphere with the mouse. Straying off makes you lose ...


42. But old friends are dwindling away year by year. They are originally few in number, so the disappearance of any of them is an irreparable loss to me.


43. Over 100,000 people in Kerala are engaged in apiculture and the dwindling worker bee population poses a threat to their livelihood.


44. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion.


45. So even the best investors make mistakes, and Buffett later noted that purchasing Dexter was clearly a mistake on his part, due to its dwindling competitive advantages.


46. Thus the debasement of the currencies will continue making Gold more and more attractive as a hedge against the dwindling purchasing power and the loss of faith and confidence in paper currencies.


47. So fiscal positions are deteriorating and current account surpluses and deficits are dwindling everywhere, as the private sectors of deficit countries cut back their spending dramatically.


48. As the international financial crisis is still unfolding, resources for international development cooperation are dwindling.


49. The prospect of dwindling returns makes buy-out firms reluctant to club together to buy the big companies they covet;


50. During the commodities boom, exports of farm equipment and construction machinery from companies such as Caterpillar and John Deere helped boost the state's economy.That support is now dwindling.


51. 5. In many regions, greater aridity, shifting rainfall patterns and dwindling runoff from snow and ice in mountains may badly deplete rivers, lakes and aquifers.


52. Switzerland has already been fretting over dwindling supplies of its beloved 'cervelat' sausage following a European Union ban on the Brazilian cows' intestines traditionally used to encase the meat.


53. The development comes as the top U.N. humanitarian official is in the country pressing for greater and immediate access to the dwindling combat zone.


54. The farmers who work the paddies are graying and dwindling in number.


55. In science and technology lies the answer to the problems of dwindling resources.


56. "The chances of her giving Birth to a second live cub are dwindling,"said Pat Morris, the zoo's director of veterinary services, at least 24 hours after the initial delivery."


57. Church attendance amongst Britain's youth may be dwindling but young Christians are turning to the Internet in droves to find love


58. During the many mop-up operations that cut into the Empire's dwindling territories, Ackbar spearheaded numerous missions into Imperial space.


59. The number of wild animals on the earth is dwindling.


60. "Meanwhile, students holding out on the square knew that their numbers were dwindling and that their protest was turning into a minor sidelight to a power struggle.


61. Most of the dwindling takings are used to pay off winning bets.


62. She found the number of species is dwindling and some species are dwarfing due to selection pressure because only the smallest flowers remain unpicked.


63. Forces of the Wyrm and the Weaver are gathering for the next assault to extinguish the dwindling tribe and defile the last of the Pure Lands.


64. Everyday of its existence is containing and implying an internal competition of a country. This rivalry is the last wrest of the dwindling war of civilization in the orient.


65. It was intended to swallow every vestige of dwindling attractiveness out of her.


66. EXPECTATIONS for the Copenhagen climate conference, held next month in Denmark, have been steadily dwindling.


67. They mean little to the unemployed, whose bank savings are fast dwindling.


68. Hunting aside, the number of frogs already were dwindling in Montserrat because of the active volcano.


69. The number of people who live on the island is dwindling.


70. And from a practical point of view, this destruction of habitat contributes to the dwindling of fish stocks worldwide.


71. If you're lucky, you might witness the incredible spectacle of a mass wildebeest migration or catch a glimpse of the plains' dwindling elephant and rhino populations, which have sadly been decimated by poachers.


72. If you are lucky, you might witness the incredible spectacle of a mass wildebeest migration or catch a glimpse of the plains' dwindling elephant and rhino populations, which have sadly been decimated by poachers.


73. Advertising Age reports that Fiat is seriously studying which lines and brands to keep - and Chrysler division, with its dwindling sales and weak offerings, could be on the chopping block.


74. When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds.


75. And so, just when we think that resources are dwindling,


76. We acknowledge this when we honor the label" handmade" and pay extra for the jewelry, sweaters, and handbags turned out by the dwindling breeds of modern-day craftspeople.


77. Look alive, small biotech.Pfizer is looking to the little guys to save its skin as it faces dwindling profits and competition from generics in the coming years.


78. Hopefully, this study will help society find the best way to help the dwindling wobbegong back from the brink of extinction.


79. Germany was running out of manpower, and the number of Western Europeans volunteering to serve in the Waffen-SS was also dwindling.


80. I do not like the dwindling of the rainbow skies bleak smile, I like the moonlight as water, flowing like the clear impression, and sparkling.
