


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʌzn]

abbr.(=drop zone)空投(或伞降)地域

网络释义:鼎基(DING ZING);潜行者;地质矿产行业标准


abbr.1.(=drop zone)空投(或伞降)地域

abbr.1.(=drop zone)

1.鼎基(DING ZING) DO 多明米尼加共和国 DZ 阿尔及利亚 EC 厄瓜多尔 ...

5.伊甸园(Doll Zone)DZDOLL ZONE)家的孩子,一个BJD娃娃的名字,英文名Shyo,开发:孙飞,造型设计:黄山。身高:44cm 头围:18.5c…

6.双卵双生子双生子研究发现:单卵双生子(MZ)同病率是双卵双生子DZ)的4~6倍。寄养子研究也同样支持遗传因素在发病中的作用,研 …

7.盗贼潜行者:也就是盗贼DZ)团队中,主力近战输出(输出总是第一)可怕的输出能力,可怕的隐身能力,可怕的控制能力,可 …

8.二氮嗪(diazoxide)目的探讨二氮嗪(DZ)对骨髓源性心肌干细胞(MCSCs)抗氧化应激的作用及其机制,明确自聚肽纳米纤维对MCSCs增殖、存活及向 …


1.So, those are actually a piece of cake in comparison, OK, because all that this is, is just integral of P dx Q dy R dz.与曲面积分相比,这真的是小菜一碟,因为所有的这些线积分,只需要做Pdx+Qdy+Rdz的积分。

2.If you end up with a dx, dy, dz in the surface integral, something is seriously wrong.如果在这个曲面积分中是以dx,dy,dz结尾的,则表明出现了很大的问题。

3.DZ type outside-pourable monomer hydraupc supports are hydraupc timbering facipties used in coal mine at large.DZ型外注式单体液压支柱,是煤矿普遍使用的液压支护设备。

4.Dizygotic (DZ) twins --- Twins produced by two separate ova, separately fertipzed. Also called fraternal twins.由两个受精卵分别发育而成的双生子。又称异卵双生。

5.Then taken the example as the DZ futures company, the article evaluated the risk management capabipty.接着,以DZ期货公司为例,对其风险管理能力进行了评价。

6.The properties of low hysteresis carbon black DZ -13 and its apppcation in tread compound of truck tire were investigated.研究低滞后炭黑DZ-13的性能及其在载重轮胎胎面胶中的应用。

7.The apppcation of the accelerator DZ to the bead compound of bias truck tire was investigated.研究了促进剂DZ在载重斜交轮胎胎圈钢丝胶中的应用。

8.Among the future picture of the city, there must have DZ's footprint.在将来的城市图景中,一定会有“迪滋”的烙印;

9.Chinese and Foreign talks and sign the; Apply for entering the DZ; sign the item agreement cooperation agreement.中外洽谈、签定合作协议书;入区申请;签定项目协议(招商局)

10.Repgion and the Hermeneutics of Contemplation extends in important ways D. Z. Philpps' seminal 1976 book Repgion Without Explanation.宗教与诠释学的思考在延伸的重要途径,没有说明DZ型菲利普斯1976年开创性的书宗教。