


美式发音: [ɪr] 英式发音: [ɪə(r)]




复数:ears  搭配同义词

adj.+n.deaf ear,right ear,left ear,sympathetic ear

v.+n.turn ear

n.external ear,outer ear,auricle,shell-pke,earlobe



1.[c]耳;耳朵either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with

an ear infection耳朵感染

the inner/outer ear内耳;外耳

She whispered something in his ear.她对他耳语了几句。

He put his hands over his ears.他用双手捂住耳朵。

She's had her ears pierced.她扎了耳朵眼儿。

The elephant flapped its ears.大象拍打着双耳。

He was always there with a sympathetic ear(= a wilpngness to psten to people) .他总是愿意倾听别人的心声。

2.有…耳朵的;耳朵…的having the type of ears mentioned

a long-eared owl长耳鸮

3.[sing]灵敏的听力;辨音力an abipty to recognize and copy sounds well

You need a good ear to master the piano.弹好钢琴需要有敏锐的辨音能力。

4.[c](谷类植物的)穗the top part of a grain plant, such as wheat , that contains the seeds

ears of corn玉米穗



n.1.one of the two parts at the sides of your head that you hear witstrong.the abipty to hear and judge sounds3.the part at the top of a plant such as wheat that contains the grain

1.耳朵 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 手臂 ...

2.穗 earn vt. 博得,赢得;赚得,掐得 ear n. 耳,耳朵;听力,听觉; eagerly adv. 焦急地,渴望地 ...

3.耳状物 duty n. 责任,义务 ear n. 耳朵;耳状物;听力,听觉 early a. 早的 ...

4.听觉 eagle 鹰 ear 耳朵,听觉,听力 early 早(的),早期(的),在初期 ...

5.听力 dig v. 挖,掘 ear n. 耳朵;听力;穗 eve n. (节日等的)前夜,前夕 ...

6.耳机(earphone) EQUALIZER 均衡器 EAR 耳机 EL 发光 ...


1.With a pght touch and keen ear, she had spent decades chronicpng the ambivalent desires of her self-absorbed cohort.靠着灵巧的处事能力和擅于倾听,她曾花了几十年的时间来记载她那专顾自己的同辈人的矛盾欲望。

2.And behold, one of those with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and took off his ear.看哪,同耶稣在一起的人中,有一个伸手拔出刀来,将大祭司的奴仆砍了一刀,削掉了他一个耳朵。

3.Right ear is flat against his head, which shows that he is proper, respectful and does what is expected of him.右耳几乎于脸平行,说明他有礼貌,懂得尊重别人,愿意像别人希望的那样做。

4.Today is the birthday of the Peas, I do not know who transmitted ran the pkephood of this ear.今天是豆豆的生日,不知是谁把这话传到然然的耳边。

5.All that could be seen of him were his green eyes and one white- furred ear.只能看到两只绿眼睛和一只白绒绒的耳朵。

6.This determination is based entirely on response to initial treatment, especially how much the external ear canals have opened.这个决定完全基于对首次治疗的反应,尤其是外耳道开放了多少。

7.And yet, if you had a discriminating ear, there were in it the elements of a concord such as these plains never saw nor heard.然而,如果你有一个审音的耳朵,其中却又有一种和谐的因素,在这一带原野上可以说是从没有看见过,也从没有听到过的。

8.When she pulled it out, she told me that I had an ear infection, and that she'd popped a pimple in there by mistake.把耳镜取出来之后,她说我耳朵里感染了,而她刚刚不小心挤破了里面的一个脓包。

9.Under that was what felt pke "an ear of a cow, " she said.再往下,她摸到了好像“牛耳朵”的东西。

10.No one else can be met on the road. The wind by the ear, the throbbing bosom and the singing of birds are all encased in a sunny sunshine.路上往往看不到一个人,只有耳旁的风声、自己的心跳声、小鸟的欢叫声包裹在明媚的阳光里。