


美式发音: [ɜrl] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)l]



复数:earls  同义词

n.peer of the realm,duke,viscount,noble,peer


earl显示所有例句n.— see alsocountess

1.伯爵a nobleman of high rank

the Earl of Essex埃塞克斯伯爵


n.1.a man with a very high social position in the U.K.

1.伯爵 第二等级是侯爵(marquis)和侯爵第三等级是伯爵(earl)和伯爵夫人-/wiki/%E4%BC%AF%E7%88%B5 - 2013-02-21- 伯爵 Piag…

2.厄尔 ... Dwight 德维特 条顿 白种人或金发碧眼的人 Earl 俄尔 英国 有敏锐智慧的高贵领导者 Ed 艾德 英国 一位有钱的监护 …

4.艾尔 杜俊纬 Jason Tobin 艾尔 Earl 妮琪·葛瑞芬 Nikki Griffin ...

5.额尔 Everley 伊夫力 Earl 额尔 Ed 艾德 ...

6.英国 ... Dwight 德维特 条顿 白种人或金发碧眼的人 Earl 俄尔 英国 有敏锐智慧的高贵领导者 Ed 艾德 英国 一位有钱的监护 …

7.英伯爵 (in fact = actually 实 际上, 事实上) 12. ) earl n. 英>伯爵 (over 表示超 过) ...


1.Mrs Seton told her how the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury, though both middle-aged, had not been married long.西顿夫人告诉她,虽然什鲁斯伯里伯爵和伯爵夫人都已人到中年,然而却是新婚不久。

2.Weather officials say Hurricane Earl was moving northward off the U. S. coast, after skirting parts of the eastern Caribbean this week.气象官员称,飓风“厄尔”在本周掠过东加勒比海部分地区之后,正沿着美国海岸线向北移动。

3.I bepeve he is the youngest son of an earl, but he seems to have come in the world.我相信他是伯爵的小儿子,不过他看来已经穷困潦倒了。

4.Earl Piggot: You know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad, middle aged ass anymore!厄尔·佩格特:你知道吗,你那样子就像头上了年纪的、闷闷不乐的蠢驴,我不知道有谁会愿意瞅着你!

5.Even though the storm had begun to weaken, it was expected to remain a powerful hurricane as it passed the Outer Banks.虽然Earl已经开始减弱,但是预计它经过外滩时仍将保持强飓风的强度。

6.Lady Diana Spencer arrives with her father, the Earl Spencer, at St. Paul's Cathedral in London on July 29, 1981, for her wedding ceremony.戴安娜与她的父亲到达,斯宾塞伯爵在圣保罗大教堂在伦敦,7月29日,1981年,为她的婚礼。

7."But I do not think it is the Earl that the Countess loves the best, " she said to the Queen.“我可不认为伯爵会是伯爵夫人的最爱。”她对女王说。

8.The marriage of her parents has been attended by the Queen. Her father, Earl Spencer, was an equerry to King George VI.女王曾参加过戴安娜父母亲的婚礼,她的父亲斯宾塞伯爵曾是国王乔治六世的侍从。

9.drawing up documents to make Dudley an Earl only to shred them in front of him.她起草了晋升达德利为伯爵诏书,只为了在他面将其撕成碎片。

10.In Earl's expressions, I could see that he had confronted much more than he could handle, even being as strong and athletic as he was.从艾勒的表情我可以看出即使是像他这么强壮的运动员体格,在这流水中能做的也只有挣扎的份。