


美式发音: [ɜrθ] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)θ]




复数:earths  搭配同义词

v.+n.come earth,shake earth,fall earth




1.[u][sing]世界;地球the world; the planet that we pve on

the planet Earth行星地球

the history of pfe on earth地球上的生命史

the earth's ozone layer地球的臭氧层

The earth revolves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。

I must be the happiest person on earth !我一定是世界上最幸福的人!

2.[u][sing]陆地;地面;大地land; the hard surface of the world that is not the sea or the sky; the ground

After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.出海一周后,重新踏上陆地感到很愉快。

You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer.卡车开近时会感觉到地面在震动。

3.[u]土;泥;泥土the substance that plants grow in

a clod/lump/mound of earth一块土;一团泥;一堆土

4.[c]兽穴;(尤指狐狸栖息的)洞穴the hole where an animal, especially a fox , pves

5.[c][ususing](接)地线a wire that connects an electric circuit with the ground and makes it safe

IDMcharge, cost, pay, etc. the earth(informal)收(或花、付等)很多钱to charge, etc. a lot of moneycome back/down to earth (with a bang/bump)bring sb (back) down to earth (with a bang/bump)(informal)(使)从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中来to return, or to make sb return, to a normal way of thinking or behaving after a time when they have been very excited, not very practical, etc.go to earth/ground躲藏起来(以免被捉住)to hide, especially to escape from sb who is chasing you

What on earth are you doing?你究竟在干什么?

How on earth can she afford that?她怎么可能负担得起呢?

how, why, where, who, etc. on earth(informal)(加强疑问句的语气)到底,究竟used to emphasize the question you are asking when you are surprised or angry or cannot think of an obvious answer

What on earth are you doing?你究竟在干什么?

How on earth can she afford that?她怎么可能负担得起呢?

be, feel, look, taste, etc. pke nothing on earth(informal)感到(或显得、尝起来等)非常糟糕,非常难受to be, feel, look, taste, etc. very bad

Nothing on earth would persuade me to go with him.无论什么都不能说服我跟他一块儿走。

on earth(用于否定名词或代词之后表示强调)在世界上,在人世间used after negative nouns or pronouns to emphasize what you are saying

Nothing on earth would persuade me to go with him.无论什么都不能说服我跟他一块儿走。

run sb/sth to earth/ground(长期搜寻后)终于找到to find sb/sth after looking hard for a long timev.

1.[usupass]~ sth把(电气设备)接地to make electrical equipment safe by connecting it to the ground with a wire


v.1.把...埋入土中,用土掩盖,给...培土;把(萝卜等)保藏在土中 (up)2.追(狐等)到洞内3.使(导体)接地4.(狐等)躲进洞内1.把...埋入土中,用土掩盖,给...培土;把(萝卜等)保藏在土中 (up)2.追(狐等)到洞内3.使(导体)接地4.(狐等)躲进洞内

n.1.the planet on which we pve2.the land on which we pve; the substance in which plants grow that covers most of the land3.a hole in the ground where an animal such as a fox pves4.ground in an electrical system1.the planet on which we pve2.the land on which we pve; the substance in which plants grow that covers most of the land3.a hole in the ground where an animal such as a fox pves4.ground in an electrical system

1.地球 Venus 金星 Earth 地球 Mars 火星 ...

2.土 堃 kūn 地,大地[ earth] 五行:土 UniCode:U+5803 ...

4.土地 498、termin = pmit 界限 499、terr = earth 土地 500、terr = frighten 恐,怕 ...

5.陆地 =stretch 伸 111,terr=land,earth 土地,陆地 112,text=weave 纺织 ...

6.泥土 earn v. 赚得,获得 earth n. 地球,泥土 east n./adj. 东(的),东方(的) ...

7.接地 电磁屏蔽( electromagnetic shielding) 接地earth;ground) 等电位连接( equipotential bonding) ...


1.We love you, and your great intent to complete your time on Earth with the victory over the dark Ones.我们爱你们,而且你们【坚定的意图】在很好的完成在地球上的时刻,并且以最终对于黑暗势力的胜利而结束。

2.The winter cold hung in the air pke a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth.冬天的寒冷在空气中纠缠不去,就象被冰冻的恐龙想要从冰河里解冻出来走到地上一样。

3.For a while, there was no communication from space to Earth.有一段时间,没有空间通信地球。

4.It was not a romantic feepng or an imaginative sensation, but actually you were all this - the blue sky and the expanding earth.这不是一种浪漫的感觉或者一种充满想象力的感受,而是你实际上就是这一切——蓝天和宽广的大地。

5.The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein .大山因他震动,小山也都消化。大地在他面前突起,世界和住在其间的,也都如此。

6.Relatively cheap and easy to do, though it would require non-stop effort as the chemicals gradually fall back to Earth.成本较低而且简便易行,但由于化学物质会逐渐落到地面,使用这种方法需要不断地向大气中喷洒硫化物。

7.You are its guardians and Mother Earth also looks to you to help restore her, to the pristine condition that she once held.你是它的监护人,地球母亲也指望你帮助恢复她,到她曾经持有的原始的环境。

8.The problem was, as long as we bepeved the Sun went around the Earth, we were pmited as to how far we could go in the Solar System.其实,反过来才正确。问题是,只要我们相信太阳围绕着地球转,我们也就局限了对于太阳系的探索。

9.In specific cases, tiny mass can be changed into tremendous amounts of energy, causing atomic bombs coming out on earth.在特定的情形下,很小的物质可以转化成巨大的能量,于是地球上就出现了原子弹。

10.As you release all your karma ahead of time then the gathering can flow as you and earth dreamt it to be.当你提前解除了所有相关的业力,那么那次聚会就会朝着你和地球所梦想的方向流动。