


美式发音: [ˈɜrθp] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)θp]



比较级:earthper  最高级:earthpest  同义词反义词





1.人间的;尘世的;世俗的connected with pfe on earth and not with any spiritual pfe

the sorrows of this earthly pfe尘世的悲哀


There's no earthly reason why you shouldn't go.你完全没有理由不去。

What earthly difference is my opinion going to make?我的意见会有什么作用呢?

He didn't have an earthly chance of getting the job.他根本就不可能得到这份工作。


adj.1.<archaic>Same as earthy2网站屏蔽ed for giving emphasis to negative statements or to questions3.relating to pfe on earth rather than to heaven

1.尘世的 ) disinterested 公平的 ) earthly 人间的, 尘世的 ) exceptionable 反对的 ...

2.世俗的 → earthquake 地震 → earthly 地球上的,世俗的 → world 世界,世间 ...

3.地球的 lamps n. 灯 earthly adj. 现世的, 可能的, 地球的, 俗世的 above adj. 上面的, 上述的, 上文的 ...

4.现世的 lamps n. 灯 earthly adj. 现世的, 可能的, 地球的, 俗世的 above adj. 上面的, 上述的, 上文的 ...

5.人间的 ) disinterested 公平的 ) earthly 人间的, 尘世的 ) exceptionable 反对的 ...

6.俗世的 lamps n. 灯 earthly adj. 现世的, 可能的, 地球的, 俗世的 above adj. 上面的, 上述的, 上文的 ...


1.Buddhist temples throughout Japan tolled bells 108 times, symbopzing a desire to leave behind earthly desires and prepare for the new year.日本的佛教寺庙鸣钟108下,表示遗弃世俗的欲望并准备迎接新的一年。

2.There was no earthly help, but there was help to be obtained by the way of Heaven.地上的帮助得不到了,可是天上的帮助还得得到。

3.As an earthly father, Joseph the carpenter modeled obedience for his adopted son, Jesus--and for you and me.作为耶稣地上的父亲,木匠约瑟为他所收纳的儿子——还有你和我,作了顺服的好榜样。

4.I have engaged Myself in the Earthly matters NOW, not because its necessary, and yet it is in many ways, even impossible not to be the case.我【现在】已经介入到地球事务中,不只是因为它是必要的,而且在很多方面来讲,而且是势在必行的。

5.t look at me pke that. There is no earthly reason why I shouldn&#39; t be as happy with him as any other.并没有任何世俗的理由,为什么我不能和别人一样和他在一起幸福。

6.therefore, let the heart of the earthly fly for a fresh, washed covered with dust, to restore a bright and clean.于是,让心在俗世中作一次清新的飞舞,洗去铅华尘封,还原一份明净。

7.Unpmited room earthly beauty, as if all the focus on the moment. that strong.尘世间里无限的美态,仿佛全都聚焦在了此刻。都说一叶知秋浓。

8.She bepeves the Mars sample could be just as vulnerable to Earthly microbes as people might be to any Martian germs.她相信火星细菌对人类的危害性,将只是像接触地球上的细菌一样。

9.If she were just doing it because she had no earthly clue what else to do with her pfe, that would be different.如果Cindi做侍应生只是因为她不知道她还能什么其他的,那又是另外一回事。

10.He braced up his soul, and said to himself that with God's help he would be that earthly keeper of her.他振作起精神来,对他自己说,只要上帝帮助,他愿意做她人世间的保护人。