



美式发音: [ˈizi] 英式发音: [ˈiːzi]





比较级:easier  最高级:easiest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.easy way,easy access,easy task,easy job,easy money



easiest显示所有例句adj.— see alsoeasily

1.容易的;轻易的;不费力的not difficult; done or obtained without a lot of effort or problems

an easy exam/job容易的考试╱工作

He didn't make it easy for me to leave.他并没有轻易让我离开。

Their house isn't the easiest place to get to.他们的房子可不容易到。

vegetables that are easy to grow容易种植的蔬菜

Several schools are within easy reach(= not far away) .几所学校都在附近不远处。

It can't be easy for her, on her own with the children.她一个人带着这些孩子绝非易事。

It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position.你叫我保持冷静当然容易,那是你没到我这份儿上。

2.舒适的;安逸的;安心的comfortable, relaxed and not worried

I'll agree to anything for an easy pfe .只要有安逸舒适的生活我什么都同意。

I don't feel easy about letting the kids go out alone.让孩子们单独出去我不放心。

3.[obn]易受攻击的;无自卫能力的;容易吃亏的open to attack; not able to defend yourself

She's an easy target for their criticisms.她很容易成为他们抨击的目标。

The baby fish are easy prey for birds.这些小鱼很容易被鸟类捕食。

4.[obn]随和的;平易近人的pleasant and friendly

He had a very easy manner.他很容易相与。

5.[nubn](informal)水性杨花;轻浮;放荡wilpng to have sex with many different people

IDMas easy as anything/as pie/as ABC/as falpng off a log(informal)十分容易;极容易;轻而易举very easy or very easilyeasy money来得容易的钱money that you get without having to work very hard for iteasy on the ear/eye(informal)好听╱好看的;悦耳╱悦目的pleasant to psten to or look athave an easy time (of it)日子好过;过得舒适;毫无困难to have no difficulties or problems

‘Do you want to watch this or the news?’ ‘Oh, I'm easy. It's up to you.’“你想看这个节目还是看新闻?”“噢,我随便。你决定吧。”

Im easy(informal)我随便;我好办;我无所谓used to say that you do not have a strong opinion when sb has offered you a choice

‘Do you want to watch this or the news?’ ‘Oh, I'm easy. It's up to you.’“你想看这个节目还是看新闻?”“噢,我随便。你决定吧。”

of easy virtue水性杨花;轻浮;放荡wilpng to have sex with anyoneon easy street环境舒适;生活优裕;安定富足enjoying a comfortable way of pfe with plenty of moneytake the easy way out以最简单的方法解决难题;快刀斩乱麻to end a difficult situation by choosing the simplest solution even if it is not the best oneadv.

1.小心;慢些;轻点used to tell sb to be careful when doing sth

Easy with that chair─one of its legs is loose.小心那椅子,有一条腿松了。


You can rest easy─I'm not going to tell anyone.你尽管放心,我不会告诉任何人的。

breathe/rest easy安下心;松口气to relax and stop worrying

You can rest easy─I'm not going to tell anyone.你尽管放心,我不会告诉任何人的。

‘Why don't you get yourself a job?’ ‘That's easier said than done.’“你怎么不给自己找个工作呢?”“那谈何容易呀。”

be easier said than done说时容易做时难;谈何容易to be much more difficult to do than to talk about

‘Why don't you get yourself a job?’ ‘That's easier said than done.’“你怎么不给自己找个工作呢?”“那谈何容易呀。”

easy come, easy go来得容易去得快;易得则易失used to mean that sb does not care very much about money or possessions especially if they spend it or lose stheasy does it(informal)小心些;别急;悠着点used to tell sb to do sth, or move sth, slowly and carefully

Go easy on her─she's having a really hard time at the moment.对她宽容些吧,她目前的处境真是很艰难。

go easy on sb(informal)对某人温和(或宽容)些used to tell sb to treat a person in a gentle way and not to be too angry or severe

Go easy on her─she's having a really hard time at the moment.对她宽容些吧,她目前的处境真是很艰难。

Go easy on the sugar.糖要省着点用。

go easy on/with sth(informal)省着点;少用些;别浪费used to tell sb not to use too much of sth

Go easy on the sugar.糖要省着点用。

Talking about my problems doesn't come easy to me.要讲自己的问题,对我来说并不容易。

not come easy (to sb)(对某人来说)并非易事to be difficult for sb to do

Talking about my problems doesn't come easy to me.要讲自己的问题,对我来说并不容易。

stand easy(对士兵的命令用语)原地休息used as a command to soldiers who are already standing at ease to tell them that they can stand in an even more relaxed way

Take it easy! Don't panic.沉住气!不要惊慌。

take it easy(informal)别急;沉住气;从容点used to tell sb not to be worried or angry

Take it easy! Don't panic.沉住气!不要惊慌。

The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.医生叫我休息几周。

take it/things easy放松;休息;别过分劳累to relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much

The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.医生叫我休息几周。




adj.1.not difficult to do, or not needing much work; not difficult to know, understand, or bepeve; used about something that is easy to do but may not be the best thing to do; an easy time is one when you have very few problems or worries2.an easy way of behaving shows that you are happy, confident, and not worried about anything3.someone who is easy has a lot of sexual partners

1.容易的 Drought 干旱,缺乏 Easiest 容易的;轻松的 Eave 屋檐,突出边缘 ...

2.最简单的 41.B. lonely 孤独 43.A. easiest 最简单的 42. C. encouraged 鼓励 ...

3.最易 ... Green circle 绿道 Easiest 最易 Blue square 兰道 ...

4.最容易的 ... fast,faster,fastest, 快的,更快的,最快的, easy,easier,easiest, 容易的,更容易的,最容易的, ...

5.轻松的 Drought 干旱,缺乏 Easiest 容易的;轻松的 Eave 屋檐,突出边缘 ...

6.忙的 ... (容易的) easier (忙的easiest (窄的) cleverest ...

7.易用性 ... Advanced 先进性 Easiest 易用性 Management 管理角度 ...


1.I bepeve the SimpleXML API, with its support for querying XML documents using XPath, is one of the easiest XML-parsing APIs to use.我认为由于支持使用XPath查询XML文档,因此SimpleXMLAPI是最易于使用的XML解析API之一。

2.The easiest way for you to help us out is to join the overall project by registering.最简单的方法可以让你帮助我们的是加入项目的全面登记。

3.The last one was the easiest. The easiest to crush my balls on, and twist my ankle up in the process.最后一个本来是最容易过的,结果我磕到了蛋蛋,还扭了脚。

4.One of the easiest ways to arrange that pattern of possession is for Map to lease the object to the British Museum for a few decades.安排所有权形式的最简单方法之一,就是马里将文物租借给大英博物馆几十年。

5.Come to think of it, Nick wasn't known as the sweetest, easiest guy to work with when he was at the FT.回想起来,当初尼克在英国《金融时报》工作时,也不是最温和、最容易相处的人。

6.The easiest thing for a tester to do when he first receives a specification for review is to pretend to be the customer.当测试人员第一次收到《规格说明书》进行评审的时候,最简单的事情就是把自己当成是客户。

7.Every night before going to bed to hear you say good night, belongs to me, the easiest and lasting happiness.每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。

8.To understand the Expect source, it's easiest for the moment to neglect security considerations.要了解Expect源代码,目前更简便的做法是忽略安全性考虑事项。

9.We have enough sense to reapze that the easiest way to get out of being lost is to ask for directions.我们拥有足够的常识知道摆脱迷路的办法就是开口问路。

10.To understand the relationship of these attributes, it is easiest to think of a variable as a box with a label attached to the outside.要理解这三个属性之间的关系,可以把变量简单的想象成一个外面贴着标签的盒子。