





3.轻松愉快场的舒适美观(comfortable)、工作类型的轻松愉快(easy-go),工作时间的浅薄短少(free-time),尤其更要讲求必须得有同阶同 …


1.When he said France it meant wine, women, money in the pocket, easy come, easy go. It meant being a bad boy, being on hopday.这是不正常的,他说起“法国”时,这个词意味着甜酒、女人、衣袋里的钱、挣得容易花得快的钱,意味着作个坏小子、去度假。

2.It's really easy to remember the sentence "Easy come, easy go. " .“来得容易去得快”这句话很好记。

3.Bill lost five thousand dollars on this one poker hand, but he didn't even bat an eye--he just shrugged and said, 'Easy come, easy go.这个人说:“比尔在仅仅打一付扑克牌游戏的过程中就输了五千美元。可是他眼睛都没眨一下;他只是耸耸肩说:”来得容易,去得容易。

4.B: Oh, I'm afraid It's gone already. Easy come, easy go, you know.喔,现在已花光了,你知道,来的容易,去的也快!

5.The learning of the bright student who acquires knowledge with ease and speed is felt to be unstable ; easy come, easy go.聪明的学生学得又快又轻松,但他们学到的知识是不牢固的,容易获得也容易失去嘛。

6.After Jack won five hundred dollars on the first race and lost it all on the second, he just laughed and said, "Easy come, easy go. "杰克在第一轮赛马中赢了500美元,但在第二轮中全部输掉了,然后他笑着说“钱来得容易去得快嘛”。

7.You must be sure not to be frivolous, because as the saying goes, easy come, easy go.正如一句谚语上说的,“来得快、去得也快”,你一定不会感觉无聊。

8.For them, it could well be a case of "easy come, easy go" , especially since they don't hold promise-keeping to a high enough standard.对于他们而言,很可能就是:“来的容易,去得容易”,特别当他们没有把保持承诺放在一个足够高的标准上。

9.There is no time pke the present! Easy come , easy go!机不可失,时不再来!来时容易,去时快!

10.Finally have a sense of humor, is in the toilet: come, easy go in rushing.好不容易有了一次幽默,是在厕所里:来也匆匆,去也冲冲。