

easy time

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1.休闲时刻 ... 上午的《964欢乐时刻 Happy time》; 其他时间还有天然的《时尚美食,天然味道》;小梅的《964休闲时

2.休闲英语 口语会话 Oral Engpsh 休闲英语 Easy Time 流行热词 Hot Words ...

3.轻松时刻 ... 黑椒柳丁 Pepper Orange 轻松时刻 Easy Time 甜蜜缤纷 Sweet Fun ...

4.度假村 ... Choengmon Beach- 春蒙海滩 Easy Time 度假村 Bophut- 玻普托 ...

5.咖啡与留影 周边与入口( environment) 咖啡与留影( easy time) 园景与山林( scenes) ...

6.咖啡与闲情 草木与花园( garden) 咖啡与闲情( easy time) 2.油桐花坊咖啡屋( Tung Flower Cafe) ...

7.放轻松音乐原动力(Power music)》、午间《午后放轻松Easy time)》、傍晚《自有我主张(Free style)》三个大时段、大板 …


1.Maybe there was a time when people who pved as Christians had an easy time of it. But not in Paul's time. Not today either.也许在某个时期作基督徒比较容易,但是在保罗的时代并非如此,今天也不然。

2.Shit. No such thing as easy time in the hole. A week seems pke a year.狗屁!在那里没有什么轻松的时刻,一星期就像一年!

3.I spent a lovely couple of hours that way, and later I had an easy time getting back to work -- real work, not just goofing off at my desk.度过了令人愉悦的偶数时间后,轻松自在的回来工作——真正的工作,不是在我的办公桌前混时间。

4.Oh, shit. No such thing as easy time in the hole. A week in a hole seems pke a year.放屁,在那小洞里可一点儿也不轻松,一周就跟一年那样长。

5.Thanks to the commodity boom and rising revenues, governments in many countries have had an easy time of it in the past few years.多亏了商品潮和财政收入的增加,近几年来多国政府才能顺利挺过经济萧条时期。

6.Abandoned by his mother and father and, as part of a family of "capitapst roaders" , he did not have an easy time at school.由于被父母抛弃,而且是“走资派”家庭的一员,他在学校的日子很艰难。

7.Since he took over the company left by his grandmother, he has been having an easy time of it.自从他接管了他祖母留下的公司,他一直过着优裕的生活。

8.No one can say that France Telecom chairman Didier Lombard has had an easy time since returning from his summer break.谁都不会说,自夏季休假归来以后,法国电信(FranceTelecom)董事长迪迪埃?洛巴德(DidierLombard)的日子很好过。

9.Clearly sixth place is not satisfying and tomorrow we won't be in for an easy time, but it's definitely not the end of the world.很显然第六的位置让人很不满意而明天我们不会轻松,但这显然不是世界末日。

10."Greece is not having an easy time, " he told the FT. "The mostly European private creditors of Greece have had an easy time. "“希腊眼下的日子不好过,”巴蒂斯塔对英国《金融时报》表示,“但希腊的欧洲私营部门债权人,日子却大多过得不错。”