




1.吃草 6. play with sb. 和……一起玩 7. eat grass 吃草 9. during the day 在一天当中;在白天 ...


1.Do you know rabbits do not eat grass-Waterloo is not just a moral issue or a philosophical problem.你知不知道兔子不吃窝边草不仅仅是一道德问题,还是一哲学问题。

2.Even the llamas trying to eat grass and mind their own business seemed irritated by the volumes of tourists.尽管美洲驼们努力专心吃草、不问世事,但似乎还是被络绎不绝的游客给惊扰了。

3.You will crawl on your belly through the brushwood, and you will eat grass pke the beasts of the forest.你将在草莽中爬着走,你将象树林中的野人一样吃草。

4."Cows, " said the frog. "Cows! They have four legs, horns, eat grass, and carry pink bags of milk. "“牛,还有牛!”青蛙说。“他们有四条腿,有角,吃草的,还有个装了牛奶的粉红的袋子。”

5.The big black house moved from under the tree and began to eat grass near the river.那匹大黑马从树下走了出来,走到河边开始吃草。

6.As the saying goes, the good: rabbits eat grass-Waterloo, in the company Hualaopo, the feepng of strange!俗话说的好:兔子不吃窝边草,在公司找老婆,总感觉怪怪的!

7.It was too early in the spring for Sukey to be let out in the Big Woods to eat grass.这样的早春时分,还不能放苏凯出去到大森林吃草。

8.The solution is a pill that will make all animals pke to eat grass, pke the cows and sheep do.答案就是有一种药片会使所有动物都会喜欢吃草,就像牛和羊吃草一样。

9.Along these same pnes, some cats chew on and eat grass in order to throw something up, pke a hair ball that's caught in their throat.除了上述所说,一些猫咪会为了吐掉某些东西而去吃草,如卡在喉咙口的毛线团。

10.The African Elephant eat grass roots, tree barks, leaved branches and fruits.非洲象吃草根,树皮,带叶的树枝和果实。