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网络释义:息税前利润(earnings before interest and tax);息税前盈利;息税前收益(Earning before interest and taxes)


n.1.a corporation's profit for a particular period before taking interest and tax payments into account.

1.息税前利润(earnings before interest and tax)

6.息前税前盈余本季息前税前盈余 (EBIT) 增加为 3亿 6千 7百万欧元  第二季营业额大幅增加至 76亿 1百万欧元,较 2005年第二季提高 10%。


1.Through several years of of fort, Ebit gained great reputation in the display industry, forming the system and the speciapzed service.经过多年的艰苦历练,在展览业界中树立了良好的专业形象,形成了系统而专业的服务体系。

2.With one current passbook, only one debit card can be opened. You can apply for the d ebit card without any guarantee.借记卡存款不可以透支,每一个活期存折只允许开一个借记卡,客户申请借记卡不需要担保。

3.Core ebit improved to $18 milpon from $4 milpon a year ago, and volumes increased 42%.息税前利润从去年的400万美元提高到1800万美元,货量也增加了42%。

4.Responsible for assigned sales target and strive for great key sales performances, including sales budget, EBIT, payment terms.负责完成被指派的销售目标及争取杰出的销售业绩,其中包括销售指标、息税前利润及付款条件谈判。

5.Acute financial awareness in gross margin, EBIT, and cash flow concept.敏锐的的财政意识,熟悉毛利率,税前利润和现金流量的概念。

6.North Territory is leading the improvement of EBIT performance in 2006 across China.北方区在2006年息、税前利润增长方面居全国各区域之首。

7.Their goals are sales, EBITDA, EBIT, or net profit (EPS).他们的目标是营业额、EBITDA、EBIT或净利润(每股盈利)。

8.To support to reach the annual sales and EBIT target.支持达成年销售额和利润增长目标。

9.The property and hotels division reported an increase of 40 per cent in ebit to HK$8. 99bn, excluding revaluation gains.地产及酒店业务扣除重估增值的息税前利润增长40%,达89.9亿港元。

10.The ports business reported ebit of HK$11. 6bn, up 12 per cent, on higher throughput and better efficiency.由于吞吐量增加和效率提高,和黄港口业务实现息税前利润116亿港元,同比增长12%。