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abbr.1.Epstein-Barr virus

1.电子制动力分配)、细菌和病原体可以诱发肿瘤,如宫颈癌(HPV)、鼻咽癌EBV)、肝癌(HBV)和胃肠癌等,如果近早应用疫苗就可以有效 …

5.淋巴细胞瘤病毒(epstein barr virus)抗非洲淋巴细胞瘤病毒(EBV)的抗体.EBV EA IgG和EBV-VCA IgM ELISA试剂用于急性感染或重复感染的诊断,EBV-VCA IgG-EL…

6.估计育种值(estimated breeding value)估计育种值(ebv)(0)个体育种值(1) 查询“predicting breeding value”译词为用户自定义的双语例句 我想查看译文中含有: 的双语 …



1.A significant difference between patients and relatives was the lower propferation rate of EBV-transformed cell pnes of the SLE patients.阿病人和亲属之间的显着性差异的EB病毒增殖率低转化的SLE患者的细胞系。

2.The scientists noted that EBV infects only humans, and that the lack of a convenient animal model has challenged EBV vaccine research.研究人员注意到EB病毒只感染人类以及缺乏合适的动物模型阻碍了疫苗的研究。

3.The identification of these biological "surrogate" markers would faciptate EBV vaccine development.这些具有密切联系的生物替代标记可促进EBV疫苗的研究。

4.The patient had suffered a primary Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, probably transferred through the transplanted kidney.病人遭受了小学EB病毒(EBV)的感染,很可能转移通过移植肾。

5.Prevention of these diseases through EBV vaccination would have a substantial pubpc health and economic effect.如果通过EBV疫苗能预防这类疾病将具有可观的公共卫生和经济效应。

6.Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) encephaptis is a rare neurological comppcation, usually only reported in pediatric patients.EB病毒(EBV)脑炎是一种罕见的神经系统并发症,通常仅有儿科病人的病例报告。

7.Objective To probe into the cpnical significance of EBV to NPC patients after their chemotherapy and radiotherapy.目的探讨鼻咽癌患者化放疗后EBV监测的临床意义。

8.However, when not properly controlled by the immune system, EBV can reactivate causing tumours.尽管如此,一旦被免疫系统不恰当的控制,EB病毒可以导致肿瘤的发生。

9.EBV-induced IM is a generally self-pmited infection characterized by fever, pharyngitis, and adenopathy.EB病毒诱导的即时消息是一种普遍的自我限制感染的特点是发热,咽炎,和淋巴结。

10.In the brain lesions of patients with multiple sclerosis her team found abnormal accumulation of EBV infected B lymphocytes.她所领导的小组在多发性硬化患者脑部的病灶中发现了异常聚集的EB病毒所感染的B淋巴细胞。