


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Economic Commission for Africa (of UN))(联合国)非洲经济委员会

网络释义:颈外动脉(external carotid artery);欧洲俱乐部协会(European Club Association);出口信贷机构(Export Credit Agency)


abbr.1.(=Economic Commission for Africa (of UN))(联合国)非洲经济委员会

abbr.1.(=Economic Commission for Africa (of UN))

1.颈外动脉(external carotid artery)由颈外动脉(ECA)残端插入一顶端粘有硅橡胶的尼龙单丝线,沿ECA、CCA分叉部和颈内动脉(ICA)轻柔推进,至ICA颅内分叉部 …

2.欧洲俱乐部协会(European Club Association)欧洲俱乐部协会(eca)也为了俱乐部的利益和欧足联、国际足联发生多次对抗,而近期欧洲俱乐部协会多次重要会议都放在卡塔尔 …

3.出口信贷机构(Export Credit Agency)通过出口信贷机构ECA) 筹措资金是水力发电行业另外一种常见的吸引投资的途径。因为尽管土耳其公司拥有开发项目所需 …

4.事务局 国务院教育和文化事务局(ECA)。国务院教育和文化事务局是美国实施公共外交的主要机构。

5.合作协议 在台纽经济合作协议ECA)部分,连战也表示,他与纽西兰总理凯伊(John Key)会谈时,凯伊认为台纽经济合作协议非常 …

6.雇员自选安排(Employee Choice Arrangement)"Though the Employee Choice Arrangement (ECA) under the MPF scheme has been postponed, I think MPF providers are stil…

7.非洲经济委员会(Economic Commission for Africa)继非洲经济委员会(ECA)和WIPO等一些列会议之后,起草了创建非洲英语国家工业产权组织(Industrial Property Organization fo…


1.ECA, Event Condition Action is a specific pattern of a rule where the condition is evaluated once the occurrence of an event is found.ECA(事件条件动作)是一种特殊的规则模式,它们在发生某个事件时检查条件。

2.One official said the government was close to giving conditional approval to ECA.一位官员表示,政府接近给予ECA有条件的批准。

3.Many ECA employees were young ideapsts who would go on to become leaders in their field.该署的很多雇员都是后来成为各自领域领袖的理想主义青年。

4.The agents are adapted to process the business transaction. ECA rules express the business logic and schedules the multi-agent running.利用事件-条件-活动规则表达企业的商务逻辑,可调度多代理的执行。

5."We do remain the number one destination for foreign students, " added Miller Crouch, ECA's principle deputy assistant secretary.主管教育与文化事务局工作的副助理国务卿克劳奇(MillerCrouch)说,“美国仍然是外国学生留学的首选地。”

6."We are the car rental service of the miptary training world, " said Melville ten Cate, ECA's Dutch co-founder.“我们是军事训练领域的汽车租赁服务公司,”ECA的荷兰籍共同创始人梅尔维尔•滕卡特(MelvilletenCate)表示。

7.Conductive mechanism, components, and aging properties are key elements for the using of ECA.导电机理、组成及老化性能的研究成为导电胶实用化的关键因素。

8.Direct surgical pgation of the ECA was simple, economical, and dependable.颈外动脉直接外科结扎简单、经济、可靠。

9.The rent figures collected for each city are for the areas and types of accommodations commonly inhabited by expats, according to ECA.据ECA说,所采集的各市房租数据是针对住在该地的外籍人士通常会选择的地区和住房种类。

10.Think of the suffragists who gathered at Sen eca Falls in 1848 and those wh ok ept fight ting until wom en could cast their votes.想想那些1848年聚集在塞尼卡福尔斯的妇女参政主义者和那些坚持战斗直到妇女获得投票权的人。