




1.埃克哈特在基督教史上出现过许多著名的神秘主义大师,如北欧的神秘主义者埃克哈特Eckhart)、陶勒(Tauler)、苏素(Suso) …

4.爱克哈特与哲学家,西方的有普罗提奴斯(Plotinus)、艾卡特Eckhart)、舒来马哈(Schleiermacher)、海德格(Heidegger): …

7.伊卡勒特 鹰眼( Hawkeye) 伊卡勒特Eckhart) 苍龙侠客( Chivalrous) ...


1.You can also see on DVD: s with Eckhart Tolle, a third of his seminars seems to be about him being amused by something and laughing.你也看DVD:是关于艾克哈特托尔的,这DVD是关于他的研讨会的,在研讨会上,他似乎被一些好笑的事情逗得很开心。

2.Questioner: That he would pke to psten to Eckhart, and read the same books, and talk about it. . . and he has no desire to do that.发问者:我希望他也喜欢听埃克哈特的演讲,也喜欢看埃克哈特的书,可以和我聊聊……但他完全没这意愿。

3.Aaron Eckhart stars in the film as an experienced soldier leading a platoon of Marines fighting against the apen invaders.艾伦-艾克哈特在片中担任主演,饰演一名老练的海军陆战队排长,他率领海军陆战队战士抵抗外星人的侵略。

4.The non-thinker. If you're interested in exploring and understanding this concept more, check out Eckhart Tolle's book the Power of Now.如果你对这个建议感兴趣,还想了解更多的话,可以看看埃克哈特托利的书《当下的力量》。

5.Downsize. In his book A New Earth, author Eckhart Tolle talks about our tendency to identify ourselves, and our self worth, by our things.缩减规模作者埃克哈特托尔(在他的书一个新世界中)谈论我们会通过一些事去有倾向的找出我们自己,和我们的自我价值。

6.Eckhart Tolle talks about finding that very quiet, relaxing and beautiful space beyond our thoughts.埃克哈特托利讲述过找到一片超越我们的思想,舒适安静又美丽的地方。

7.In the book, Eckhart puts forth a simple proposition, stay in the now and you will feel peace.在他的书中,埃克哈特提出了一个简单的建议,活在当下你将感到安宁。

8.You're probably famipar with the Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.由埃克哈特·托利,你可能对当下的力量有所了解。

9.Another tip is to read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and especially look at the chapters about the Ego.而我的另一条建议就是,阅读一下埃克哈特·托利的《新天地》,特别是有关Ego的章节。

10.If the only prayer you ever say in your whole pfe is "thank you, " that would suffice. --Meister Eckhart.如果你一生所说过的祷告只有“谢谢”,那也足够了。--艾克哈特德国神学家,被认为是德国神秘主义的创始人。