


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈外(=exempp gratia)例如

网络释义:乙二醇(ethylene glycol);埃及(Egypt);膨胀石墨(expandable graphite)


abbr.for example


abbr.1.〈外〉(=exempp gratia)例如

abbr.1.<foreign>(=exempp gratia)

na.1.for example, used for giving an example of what you mean

1.乙二醇(ethylene glycol)G)、二乙二醇(DEG)和三乙二醇(TEG),一般乙二醇EG)中,单乙二醇(MEG)约占88%,故通常商业上所说的乙 …

2.埃及(Egypt) EE 爱沙尼亚 EG 埃及 ES 西班牙 ...

3.膨胀石墨(expandable graphite)d attenuating booth; and Experimental Group (EG), composed of individuals who accepted the invitation and voluntarily pa...

5.例如 ECG 心电图描记器 eg 例如 ENF 安氟醚 ...


1.Eg. Given a branch, the pair of nodes to which the branch is attached define the convention for measuring voltages in the circuit.对于某条支路,电路中电压的测量由支路两端的节点决定。

2.eg. What's more, the countryside is far from the noise and not crowded, as is often the case in the city.除此之外,乡村远离噪音而且不拥挤,而在城市却总是这样。

3.eg. Employees who used to be responsible for decisions, now have to run it by their boss or their colleagues.过去愿意承担责任的员工,现在更愿意把责任推给老板或是同事。

4.eg. Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly.去看望斯蒂克特让他打不成高尔夫球,他希望他们能赶快看完走人。

5.eg: He was quite exppcit about the matter, left no doubt about what he meant.他对这件事的态度表现的十分明确。

6.eg. He took many chances in his attempt to win the race.他好几次想侥幸赢得那场比赛。

7.Eg. It was getting dark and I felt browned off, so I thought I'll have a bit of a game.天黑了,我感到烦闷不快,因此我想来玩玩游戏。

8.Eg. She was worn out with work and cannot put up with it any more.她让工作给累坏了,再也忍受不了了。

9.Eg. He decided that he might as well have it out with them.他决定还是和他们把问题谈清楚的好。

10.Eg. I cannot help worrying to hear that there is no steamer this week.我听到本周没有船的消息,禁不住担忧起来。