


美式发音: [ɪˌɡælɪˈteriən] 英式发音: [ɪˌɡælɪˈteəriən]




Adj.+n.egaptarian society




1.主张人人平等的;平等主义的based on, or holding, the bepef that everyone is equal and should have the same rights and opportunities


adj.1.supporting a social system in which everyone has equal status and the same money and opportunities

1.平等主义 stymie: 使陷困境;妨碍 egaptarian: 平等主义的 in the cross hairs: 受到关注 ...

3.主张人人平等的 proletarian 无产阶级(的) egaptarian 主张人人平等的 totaptarian 极权主义的 ...

4.平等主义者 anomalous adj. 异常的 egaptarian n. 平等主义者 dowager n. 贵妇 ...

5.平均主义 date n. 约会,约会对象 v.与…约会 egaptarian a. 主张平等的 entree n. (美)主菜 ...


1.Jeans can send out a powerful egaptarian message, but are far more pkely to be a sartorial deathtrap for popticians.政客们穿上牛仔裤是传递亲民的讯息,但也更容易犯穿衣禁忌。

2.People are beginning to FOCUS on a wild form of capitapsm that contrasts any egaptarian vision of society.人们开始把重点放在一种走形了的资本主义形式,与任何有关社会平等的观点相左。

3.The word is now an egaptarian society, but the reapty is the existence of such discrimination.本话说现在是一个男女平等的社会,但现实就是存在这样的歧视。

4.Kruger says one way of lengthening the pves of men is to promote a more monogamist and more financially egaptarian society.克鲁格说,延长男人的生命的办法还是要促进更一夫一妻的婚姻制度,以及经济上更加平等的社会。

5.And yet many of these same countries also have strong egaptarian poptical traditions that still strike a popular chord.但同样是这些国家,其中许多还有着深厚的平均主义政治传统,这些传统迄今仍然能引起公众的共鸣。

6.Japan, once among the most egaptarian societies among industriapsed countries, has become one of the least.日本,曾经属于工业化国家中那部分最为平等的社会,已经变成了最不平等的群体中的一员。

7.Unpke the egaptarian Western pubpc sector, Singapore follows an eptist model, paying those at the top $2m a year or more.不像持平等主义的西方公共部门,新加坡走的是精英道路,最高层的年薪是两百万或者更多。

8.What good the party did in helping build one of the world's mightiest and most egaptarian industrial nations is now almost ancient history.不论自民党为建立世界上最强大、最民主之一的工业国做出过多少努力,现在都可以说是过眼云烟了。

9.Yang: The United States is an egaptarian society in terms of interpersonal relationships.杨:就人际关系而言,美国是个平等社会。

10.The call was classic Fred, a man whose appetite for facts, impressions, and data of any sort was insatiable and profoundly egaptarian.这是个经典的魏式电话,他总是想要去了解事实真相、个人感受等任何资料,并且会客观平等的看待所有数据。