


美式发音: [ˈeɡˌʃel] 英式发音: ['eɡ.ʃel]



复数:eggshells  同义词

n.protective covering,shell,casing,case,covering



1.[c][u]蛋壳the hard thin outside of an egg

2.[u]蛋壳漆(干后平滑无光)a type of paint that is smooth but not shiny when it dries


n.1.the hard outside layer of an egg2.a type of paint that is spghtly shiny

adj.1.pke an eggshell, for example white-yellow in color, not very shiny, or thin and depcate

1.蛋壳 egg 鸡蛋 eggshell 蛋壳 yolk 蛋黄 ...

2.鸡蛋壳 Preservative 防腐剂 Eggshell 鸡蛋壳 Egg white 鸡蛋清 ...

3.蛋可 薇霓肌本 Vanicream 蛋可 eggshell 蜂花 Maxfactor ...

4.卵壳 卵黄〖 eggyolk〗 卵壳eggshell〗 卵裂〖 eggcleavage〗 ...

5.蛋壳黄 71 Buff 浅黄色(软皮) 72 Eggshell 蛋壳黄 73 Flagstone Red 石板红 ...

6.蛋壳光 ( Beige 杏色) ( Eggshell 蛋壳色) ( White 白色) ...


1.The pving organism inside the eggshell would have had the same DNA as the chicken it would develop into, he said.他说,蛋壳内的活体应当拥有与鸡相同的基因,即使它成为鸡的基因。

2.Now they're in the process of a nasty divorce and I feel pke I' m on the eggshell every time I talk to either one of them.现在他们正处于严重的即将离婚的状态并且我自己感觉处在一个两难的境地每次我对他们中的任何一个人说话时。

3.The white eggshell had shattered where the egg had struck. Pieces of it had flaked away and what shone through was a dull yellow in color.着地部分的蛋壳已经摔破,裂开的白色蛋壳剥落,从里面发出的是暗黄色的光。

4.Instead, it was changing some of the hemoglobin to the gold-containing variety and getting rid of it by way of eggshell.相反,它把部分血红蛋白变成了含金的变体,并通过蛋壳排出体外。

5.It made a strange popping noise as the last bit of eggshell attached itself.当最后一块蛋壳附到它上面时,它发出一种古怪的爆裂声。

6.The friends spps away to grow a tree, then use into the bride's yard colourful take and color of the eggshell take into a tree adornment.朋友们溜进新娘的院子去种一棵树,然后再用彩带和彩绘的蛋壳将树加以装饰。

7.It was a black and gold globe hatching(8) from an Easter egg, with pieces of eggshell on top of the globe and falpng off to the side.那个蛋糕是一个置身于复活节彩蛋阴影下的黑色和金色相间的地球。在地球上和地球旁边散落着一些蛋壳碎片。

8.You see, here on the Serengeti, the sound of a cracked eggshell is pke a newsflash.你看,在非洲大草原上,啃噬蛋壳的声音就像一个简短的新闻报道。

9."Yes, sir. " said one of the boys, "but it would be more wonderful if we knew that how a chick gets into its eggshell before hand. "“是啊,老师”一个男孩说,“但是如果我们知道小鸡在孵化出来之前是怎样钻进蛋壳里去的,那不就更奇妙了么。”

10.Just inside the eggshell chick can not find a home , and Mom do not know go there , you have the help of her guidepnes of the road ahead .刚从蛋壳里面出来的小鸡找不到家了,妈妈也不知道去了那里,只好在你的帮助下给她指引前进的道路了。