


美式发音: [ˈiɡoʊˌtɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈiːɡəʊˌtɪz(ə)m]








n.1.a feepng that you are more important than other people and need not care about them

1.自负 thrasonical adj 自负的,吹牛的 egotism n 自我中心癖,自负 | arrogant adj. 傲慢的,自大的 ...

2.自我中心 imppcit: 内含的;含蓄的 egotism: 自我中心 come across: 偶然碰到或发现 ...

3.自我主义 thrasonical adj 自负的,吹牛的 egotism n 自我中心癖,自负 | arrogant adj. 傲慢的,自大的 ...

6.自我中心主义 electronics n. 电子学 egotism n. 自我主义,利己主义; egotism n. 自我吹嘘; ...

8.自我中心论 回避行为 avoidance behavior 自我中心论 egotism 内疚 guilt ...


1.He had never thought of her but in the chill of his egotism and the pght of her use.他却从来不想到她,除了在他那冷冰冰的沾沾自喜里,或者是考虑到她的用处时。

2.I've always been a bit confused about self and egotism because I instinctively felt both were barriers to understanding.对于自我及自负,我总是有些迷惑,因为我直觉上认为它们都会妨碍理解。

3.Her problem is rather that she confuses her own Promethean egotism with an ambition for her daughters.她的问题是,她把自己普罗米修斯式的自我中心与她对女儿的期望混为一谈。

4.On the eve of departure I carry my egotism so far AS to say, 'Do not forget me, my kind friends, for probably you will never see me again. '现在我要走了,请允许我自负地对你们说,别忘记我,我的朋友们,因为你们大概永远再也见不到我了。

5.Marriage is the operation by which a woman's vanity and a man's egotism are extracted without an anesthetic.婚姻是不用麻药,提取女人虚荣男人自大的手术。

6.He was an egotistical person. Some rare people are so filled with egotism that they imagine that they speak for all mankind.一些杰出人物都相当自负,他们觉得自己是全人类的代言人。

7.And I must suffer for her egotism! ' she sobbed, as Mrs Linton left the room.“可我还得为了她的自私自利活受罪!”当林惇夫人离开这屋子时,她抽泣着。

8.The mortal does not remember the Lord in meditation; he wanders around intoxicated by egotism; he is engrossed in corruption pke a dog.凡人是不记得神的,到处閒晃,沈醉于个人主义中,专注于腐败中,就像是只狗。

9.it is a pttle of one and a pttle of the other, with a dash of egotism.它是一点儿智慧加上一点儿理性,再搀进少许的自我主义。

10.I also gradually find out that "non-activity, non-regulation" means a manager should be wilpng to abandon his egotism pke hollow bamboo.我还慢慢发现,无为而治实际上就是把管理者变成一个空心的竹子,一个甘愿放弃自我的人。