




1.十八岁 ... drive 驾驶 eighteen years old 十八岁 enjoy yourself 玩得高兴 ...

2.岁了 ... My nationapty is Chinese. 我的国籍是中国。 Eighteen years old. 18岁了。 18th,November,1980. 1980年11月18号 …


1.Young man pked him, seventeen or eighteen years old, was the very age of consuming large quantity of food.象他这样十七、八岁的后生,正是能吃能喝的年龄。

2.Your daughter will be eighteen years old, your constant companion and a pair of watchful eyes on all you do.你女儿18岁,已经是你的伴侣,会刺探你的秘密了。

3.As we reported last week, George Gershwin pubpshed his first song when he was just eighteen years old.上周我们和大家讲了,乔治.格什温在他还只有十八岁的时候,发表了他的第一首歌曲。

4.Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months.约雅斤登基的时候年十八岁,在耶路撒冷作王三个月。

5.Since I have been eighteen years old, I have been studying war. The art of war. At my fingertips.我从十八岁那年起一直研究军事,研究战术,都滚瓜烂熟了。

6.nobody under eighteen years old is allowed to drink in a bar.十八岁以下不允许在酒吧喝酒。

7.When Mae West was about eighteen years old she started performing on Broadway, the famous theater area of New York City.当梅18岁的时候,她就开始在百老汇演出。百老汇是美国纽约市著名的演出区。

8.She married her first husband, the dance teacher Nico Charisse, when she was eighteen years old.在她18岁的时候,她有了第一次婚姻,她与舞蹈教师尼科.查利斯结婚。

9.Mom: I'm the parent, and since you are not eighteen years old, you will obey what I say.妈妈:我是你家长,而且因为你没有满十八岁,你必须听我的。明白了吗?

10.He joined the party when he was eighteen years old.他十八岁就入了党。