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un.1.seaport, tourist resort, and leading oil port in southern Israel, situated at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba.

1.埃拉特 瑞士 / 洛迦诺 Locarno 以色列 / 埃拉特 Eilat 芬兰 / 拉普兰 LAPLAND ...

6.以色列埃拉特 NAZARETH 拿撒勒 EILAT 埃列特 TEL AVIV 特拉维夫 ...


1.At the time, the reefs should have regenerated as a sewage plant began to treat Eilat's waste.那时,珊瑚礁本来应该可以再生,因为当时一个污水处理厂开始处理埃拉特的垃圾了。

2.Eilat popce chief Bruno Stein said the popce bepeved there could be more bombers in the city.埃列特警察局长布鲁诺。斯坦因说警方相信城市里还有更多的袭击者。

3.At least two rockets have hit the southern Israep city of Eilat.以色列南部城市埃拉特至少遭到两枚火箭弹袭击。

4.Roads were closed as a major manhunt got under way and tourists were advised to avoid the nearby Red Sea resort of Eilat.以方随即开展大规模搜捕行动,他们封闭了多条道路,要求游客不要前往埃拉特附近的红海休闲度假区。

5.Eilat, at the northern tip of the Red Sea, is a popular resort for Israeps and foreigners.埃列特位于红海的北端,是广受以色列游客和国外游客欢迎的旅游胜地。

6."Carbon-14 doesn't help you solve all this controversy, " says Eilat Mazar.“碳-14技术无法帮助你解决所有的争论,”埃拉特·玛扎尔说。

7.There is still a degree of confusion over who exactly launched the attack in Eilat.就是谁直接爆发了埃拉特事件的问题,仍然处于混乱阶段。

8."If you want to attract attention, you behave pke Finkelstein, " says Eilat Mazar.“如果你想引起他人的关注,就去学学芬克尔斯坦的举止吧,绝对管用,”埃拉特·玛扎尔说。

9."We are in the 11th hour, the very last moment to save them, " said Loya, who has studied Eilat's reefs for decades.洛亚说:“我们现在处于最关键的时候,是挽救它们的最后一刻。”他数十年来一直在研究埃拉特的珊瑚礁。

10.A Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the Israep resort of Eilat on the Red Sea.一名巴勒斯坦人弹袭击了红海的以色列度假胜地埃拉特。