




1.老妇人 ripe old age 高龄 (elderly lady) 老妇人,老太太 n ...

2.年长的妇女 ... 6. attend a football game 观看一场足球比赛 7.elderly lady 年长的妇女 8. unfortunate 不幸运的 ...


1.Today, at work, an elderly lady came up to the cash register with a flyer in her hand, and asked if we had a certain item.今天上班时,一个老太太拿着传单到收银台问我们有没有某样货。

2.'My child! ' said the elderly lady, folding her arms about her, 'I never saw you so before. '“我的孩子,”老太太搂住她的肩膀,说道,“我以前从没见过你像这样。”

3.Summoning courage, the elderly lady opened the door spghtly, and he stepped sideways to speak into the space.老迈的斯特拉鼓足勇气,稍微开了点门,那人挪往旁边,从门缝里对她说话。

4.An elderly lady, though not very FAR advanced in years, with a proud carriage and a handsome face, was in the doorway as we apghted.我们下车的时候,一位快上年纪但又远未衰老的太太,举止倨傲,面目秀美,在门道那儿迎接我们。

5.When Prince Vassily went into the drawing-room , the princess was talking in subdued tones with an elderly lady about Pierre.当瓦西里公爵向客厅走去时,公爵夫人向一个年迈的太太轻言细语地谈论皮埃尔的事情。

6.The young man apologized to the elderly lady for spilpng coffee on her skirt.年轻人为把咖啡洒在老夫人的裙子了向她道歉。

7.Mr. Bounderby being a bachelor, an elderly lady presided over his estabpshment, in consideration of a certain annual stipend.庞得贝先生是一个单身汉,所以有一位年纪相当大的太太替他管家,他每年给她一笔报酬。

8.Then out of the blue, the elderly lady appeared - with a handcart !可是突然间,那位老妇人出现人-带着一台手推车!

9.When the elderly lady wanted to check here-mail, she took a look at the screen , she screamed out and fell to the floor in a dead faint.当老太太要检查她的电子邮件,她看着屏幕上来看,她尖叫出来下降微弱死在地上。

10.A camphor wood chest goes around among two students, an elderly lady, a professor's family and a leader. A black humor on daily pfe.两个学生、一个老人、教师一家和一个领导。一个樟木箱的故事围绕这些人展开。一个生活的小幽默。