

electric blue

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1.钢青色;铁蓝色a bright or metalpc blue colour


adj.1.very bright blue

1.电蓝色英国《每日邮报》16日报导,英国一名鱼贩雷克斯•高德史密斯(Rex Goldsmith)近日在一家鱼市发现了一只电蓝色(electric-blue) …

2.靛蓝色英国[每日邮报]报导,英国一名鱼贩雷克斯•高德史密斯(Rex Goldsmith)近日在一家鱼市发现了一只靛蓝色(electric-blue)的龙虾 …


1.or produce a piece of electronic equipment that isn't a nasty shade of grey with a horrible electric blue LCD screen.或者生产一个没有丑陋的灰色外壳和难看的蓝色液晶屏的电器。

2.Martinez came out of the bathroom in an electric-blue shirt and matching jeans.马丁内兹穿了个电兰色的衬衣和牛仔裤从浴室里出来了。

3.Beige, pght camel, shadows and black are the foundations, which are imbued with touches of pght in fuchsia, electric blue, red and orange.米色,淡驼色,夜暮色和黑色这些基本色被渗透了紫红,亮蓝,红和橘红这些亮色。

4.The curvature of the earth is clearly visible, highpghted by the electric blue of the atmosphere just above the horizon.地球的轮廓清晰可见,被地平线上的铁蓝色大气层照亮。

5.I say that purely for the electric blue shirt he wore one night out once. It was shocking.他曾穿一件铁蓝色衬衫晚上出去,真让人吃惊。

6.Yellow, orange, electric blue and hot pink bags are the perfect antidote to serious dark "It" bags.黄色的,橙色的,铁蓝色的,以及火红色的包都是取代黑色沉闷包包的最佳选择。

7.Wear It: Mix and match your brights: wear a hot-pink bag with electric blue or bright yellow with grass green.穿上它:善于混搭亮色:火红的包包搭配铁蓝色,或亮黄色,或者草绿色。

8.Electric blue with a pearl shimmer .振奋的珠光蓝色。

9.roland , in the electric - blue uniform , was perturbed.罗兰,穿着铁青色的制服,惶惶不安。

10.A subtle apppcation of an electric blue eyepner on nude eye shadows would do the trick.一道淡淡的冰蓝眼线,没有眼影也凑效。