




1.气质优雅 举止优雅 decent behaviours 气质优雅 elegant temperament 眼神迷人 charming eyes ...


1.Reference to "ballet" , people will naturally think it was a beautiful, extraordinary dance moves and noble, elegant temperament.提到“芭蕾”,人们就会很自然的联想到它那优美、非凡的舞姿和高贵、典雅的气质。

2.To be an elegant woman, needs to have elegant temperament.做个优雅的女人要有优雅的气质。

3.As one of Hollywood's most famous actress, her elegant temperament and are known for wearing a taste.身为好莱坞最著名的女星之一,她以高雅的气质与有品味的穿着著称。

4.The simple but elegant embroidered piece of foil you hand-making elegant temperament.绣片珠花的素雅衬托你的优雅气质。

5.She was elegant, temperament not common, by white as a black American, at the same time or famous fashion impurities cover girl.她举止文雅,气质不俗,被白人奉为黑佳丽,同时仍是闻名时髦杂质地封面女郎。

6.I love orchids quiet temperament, loves orchids and elegant temperament and love orchid righteous character.我爱兰花的性情幽静,也爱兰花的气质高雅,更爱兰花的品格正气。

7.The expo emblem ornament, reveal elegant temperament, appearance beautiful, adapt and wide.世园会会徽的点缀,彰显优雅气质,外观漂亮,适应而广。

8.Its unique design, novel style, modern romantic style with the unique and noble elegant temperament.其款式新颖,设计独特,兼具现代浪漫的时尚风格和高贵独特的典雅气质。

9.She has been picked up by the M&N Company because of her elegant temperament and cute outlook.这次,琳茜能荣幸的被N&M公司选中,不仅是因为她有着优雅的气质,还有着可人的形象。

10.A woman with elegant temperament, will be loved not only by men but also by women.一个具有优雅气质的女人,不但男人喜欢,女人也喜欢。