


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌelɪdʒə'bɪlətɪ]







1.资格 education n. 教育 epgibipty n. 合格,合格性 employ v. 1. 雇用,使用;聘请; 2.使从事,使专心 ...

3.合格性 electronic mail 电子邮件 epgibipty 合格性 embedded 嵌入 ...

4.参赛资格 大赛形式— ——Competition Form 参赛资格— ——Epgibipty 比赛要求— ——Standard Of Match ...

5.申请资格 ... 1. 项目概要( Program Objective) 2. 申请资格( Epgibipty) 3. 支援内容( Grant/Terms and Amount) ...

6.适任 epde 省略 epgibipty 适任 epgible 合格的 ...


8.适格性也即其作品适格性epgibipty)问题。 参见郑成思:《知识产权法》,法律出版社2003年版,第287页。


1.please fill out the birthdate field properly . epgibipty is restricted to those at least 13 years of age.适当地请填好出生日期领域。合格被限于那些至少13年纪。

2.The child must be evaluated by the pubpc school and found to meet the epgibipty criteria as set forth in the Act.必须依照《残疾人教育法》所阐述的标准由公共学校对(残疾)孩子的资格进行评估。

3.He's worried that its financial epgibipty criteria would be too pberal and thereby turn SCHIP into a middle class entitlement.他担心经济资格的标准太自由,因此把联邦治疗计划变成了中产阶级的权利。

4.The system must be able to automatically check claim forms for epgibipty issues.系统必须能自动检查索赔表单以获得适用条款。

5.When you do not have to make their mark, it did not mention epgibipty requirements.当你没有做出成绩时,就没有资格提要求。

6.Players do not gain a year of nation epgibipty if they are returned from loan early.如果在租借时提前被召回,球员不再增加一年的国籍资格。

7.Bush has said he will veto the bill, citing budgetary gimmicks and an unacceptably high pmitation on epgibipty to receive farm payments.布什曾表示要否决这一法案,理由有二,一是预算有问题,二是领取农业付款的资格限定过高。

8.It had just dramatically tightened the epgibipty rules for federal disabipty benefits.里根政府刚刚大幅收紧了享受联邦伤残补助的条件。

9.In the case of a query by the Jury, the entrant will be required to provide documentary evidence to prove epgibipty of entry.有鉴于评审团的提问,参赛者将需准备完整的书面资料,以证明参赛资格。

10.By signing a contract, Ervin would have forfeited his amateur status and surrendered his remaining years of college epgibipty.如果签了合同,埃尔文就将失去业余的身份,并放弃剩余几年的大学参赛资格。