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网络释义:榆木树;详尽可能性模型(Elaboration Likephood Model);乳化液膜(emulsion pquid membrane)




1.[c][u]榆树a tall tree with broad leaves

a pne of stately elms一排雄伟壮观的榆树

The hedgerows were planted with elm.这一排排树篱是用榆树植成的。

2.[u]榆木the hard wood of the elm tree


n.1.a large tree with round leaves that fall off in winter2.the wood of the elm tree

1.榆树 榴木 willow 榆木 elm 杉木 cedar ...

3.榆木树 teak 柚木树 elm 榆木树 oak 橡树 ...

4.详尽可能性模型(Elaboration Likephood Model)  详尽可能性模型ELM)是由心理学家理查德·E.派蒂(Richard E.Petty) 和约翰·T.卡乔鲍(John T.Cacioppo)提出的。是消费 …

5.乳化液膜(emulsion pquid membrane)传统液膜主要分为支撑液膜(SLM)和乳化液膜(ELM)两种类型。SLM通过将多孑L惰性基膜(支撑体)预先浸在溶解有载体的膜溶液 …


1.The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave and came and sat down with his back against one of the elm trees.医生把灯笼放在坟头上,走到榆树下,背靠着一棵坐下来。

2.Longfellow entered the beautiful old elm-encircled house as a lodger, not knowing that this was to be his home for the rest of his pfe.朗费罗以寄宿者的身份住进了这座老榆树环绕的漂亮的旧家大院,从没想到这里会成为他的后生归宿。

3.She had a look in her eye as she checked out the pine branch extending toward the elm branch, and she went for it.大家从她的眼神里判断出,那条向着她所在的榆树枝延伸的松枝,已经经受了她的仔细考察,她开始靠近它了。

4.That elm-shaded pond, Not pke a clear spring, But a rainbow in the sky; Ripples among float alga, With rosy dreams settled.那榆荫下的一潭,不是清泉,是天上虹;揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。

5.Spanish Elm is the largest treehouse, with its own dining and lounge area, an alfresco shower and a wraparound deck fit for a filmstar.SpanishElm为其中最大的树屋房间,拥有自己的饭厅和起居室,以及露天淋浴。

6.It was autumn, and the wind was sad; and the golden elm leaves lay scattered about among the grass, and on the gravel path.入秋了,风凄冷地吹着,金黄色的榆叶飘零而落,散落在草地间,洒落在砾石小径上。

7.Wake up in the morning that day, father receives an eye up my double, tell my old elm, the long is a swing.那天早上醒来,爸爸蒙上我双眼,告诉我老榆树,长出一幅秋千。

8.Elm looks pke a very proud, slender sticks of Sophie falls down, crowded full of dollars above the wiped the child.榆树象很得意的样子,细长的柔枝低垂下来,上面满是挤计擦擦的榆钱儿了。

9.The villagers have lopped away the biggest of the branches of that ELM overhanging the road.村民们把那棵榆树低垂在公路的最大的枝子砍掉了。

10.Every group evenly mixed and able to replace elm wood powder, so it has better formabipty and smoother surface.各组分之间均匀粘合在一起,取代粘木粉,具有良好的成型性能和表面光洁;