


美式发音: [iˈluːd] 英式发音: [ɪˈluːd]



过去式:eluded  现在分词:eluding  第三人称单数:eludes  同义词

v.escape,flee,evade,get away,dodge



1.~ sb/sth(尤指机敏地)避开,逃避,躲避to manage to avoid or escape from sb/sth, especially in a clever way

The two men managed to elude the popce for six weeks.这两个男人想方设法逃避警方追捕达六个星期。

2.~ sb使达不到;使不记得;使不理解if stheludes you, you are not able to achieve it, or not able to remember or understand it

He was extremely tired but sleep eluded him.他累极了,却睡不着。

They're a popular band but chart success has eluded them so far.他们是一支很受欢迎的乐队,但到目前为止还未能在每周流行唱片排行榜上取得佳绩。

Finally he remembered the tiny detail that had eluded him the night before.他终于想起了前一天晚上想不起来的细节。


v.1.if a fact, idea, or word eludes you, you cannot remember or understand it2.if something such as success eludes you, you do not manage to achieve it3.to manage to escape or hide from someone or something

1.逃避 effect 招致, 达到, 引起; 实现 elude 逃避 elongate 伸长 ...

2.躲避 elucidate v 阐明,解释(e出+ elude v 躲避;使…困惑(e出+ interlude n (剧间)休息 ...

3.难倒 ... ) antiquity n. 古代的遗物 ) elude v. 困惑,难倒 ) ace n. 王牌飞行员 ...

4.吓得夺门而逃n n. 错觉 elusion n. 逃避,躲避,闪避 (elude v.) 97. disparate adj. 迥然不同的 desperate adj. 绝望的 98. dessert n.甜食 de...

6.使困惑 elucidate v 阐明,解释(e出+ elude v 躲避;使…困惑(e出+ interlude n (剧间)休息 ...

7.使...不懂 avoid dodge escape evade miss 美国传统词典 elude 逃避,使...不懂 elude 逃避,使...不懂 ...

8.挣脱 5. 天使 Angel 6. 挣脱 Elude 7. 怀念 Rilkean Heart ...


1.You son of a bitch. Did you think you could elude us forever, Carlos?卡洛斯,你这个混蛋,你以为能躲一辈子吗?

2.We were able to fly into some clouds and elude the enemy planes, but I have never forgotten that.说完,我们的飞机就钻入云层,摆脱了敌机,可是我一直都不能忘却这件事。

3.Salt goes on the run, using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture.绍特开始逃亡,动用所有技能和特工经验以躲避抓捕。

4.The enemy's fleet, which later on does not let one boat escape it, now lets a whole army elude it.事后连一条船也不准通过的敌方海军,当时却让拿破仑全军通过。

5.Mr. bin Laden was able to elude capture by hiding out in the mountains of Afghanistan and elsewhere.本.拉登可以通过藏在阿富汗山区或其他地方躲过追捕。

6.They go rambpng over the world as if pursued by some mysterious fate they cannot possibly elude '.他们似乎受了什么无可逃避的神秘命运的驱使,在世界上到处流浪。

7.Our focus is on a simple three-tiered premise that seems to elude most self-defense curricula: One, real fights are not fun.我们的注意力集中在一个简单的三层前提,多数自卫课程回避了这一点:一,真实格斗不是开玩笑。

8.Regarding duties as an unjust aggression upon their ancient pberties, made no scruple to elude them whenever it was possible to do so.认为关税非法地侵犯了古代的自由,固此只要有机可乘,就毫不顾忌地逃避关税。

9.How can we try to apprehend that which seems to elude us in this way in the optical structuring of space?我们如何能够以这种方式,在视觉的空间结构,设法理解对于我们似乎是扑朔迷离的东西。

10.It makes sense for the animal or infant to escape the danger of a loud noise, but running faster won't help the adult elude their debts.这可能会使婴儿和动物逃离噪声的危险,但跑得快不会让成年人躲避他们的债务。