




1.艾露尼 伊崔格 [编辑] Eitrigg 伊露恩 [编辑] Elune 伊兰尼库斯 [编辑] Eranikus ...

4.月神艾露尼 玛法里奥·怒风 MAFURION STORMRAGE 月神艾露尼 ELUNE 泰兰德 .风语者 TYRAN…

5.月之女神艾露尼 ... Stealth, 隐形的 Elune月亮女神艾露恩 Fang, 小匕首 ...


1.Huntress: You were right, sisters. These green-skinned brutes have no respect for pfe! Slay them in Elune's name!女猎手:姐妹们,你们是对的。这些绿皮肤的野兽根本不尊重生命!以月神艾露尼的名义杀死他们!

2.Thus, Jarod sought out one of the priestesses of Elune in the hope that she could heal his prisoner.于是,迦洛德打算找了个艾露恩的女祭司看看能不能治疗他的囚犯。

3.We also are guessing that they might only be able to be seen on some specific servers -- we know they're on Sisters of Elune and Ner'zhul.我们同样猜测他们应当只会出现在某些特定的服务器---我们知道现在他们在艾露恩和耐奥祖出现过。

4.with her dying breath , she prayed to elune to grant her a chance to avenge her death.她在临终之前,她祈求月神艾露恩给她一个机会让她复仇。

5.Furbolg Chieftain: Elune be praised, Priestess. Truthfully, we doubted that you'd return. Now, our shaman has a chance.熊怪酋长:赞美艾露尼,女祭司大人。说实话,我们一直在怀疑你会不会回来。现在我们的萨满祭司有一线生机了。

6.For her part, Tyrande was already a novice in the Sisterhood of Elune and so had dedicated herself to the goddess above all others.至于泰兰德,她已经是月神修女会的一个见习女祭司,已经很难让她献身于女神之外的其他神明。

7.The Cenarion Circle and several priestesses of Elune are tending to his body, but his condition has shown no signs of improvement.虽然有塞纳里奥议会和众多艾露恩的女祭司在照看他的肉身,但是目前他还没有好起来的迹象。

8.text=The beautiful young priestess, Tyrande, agreed to accompany the brothers in the name of Elune.年轻的美丽女祭司泰兰德,同意以艾露恩的名义陪伴他们兄弟。

9.Elune is the only true goddess in the world, and the most powerful Eternal in Azeroth.艾露恩是世界上唯一的真神,是艾泽拉斯最强大的、永恒的存在。

10.Deeply concerned, she sent for the Cenarion Circle and for several other Sisters of Elune.忧心忡忡地她唤来了塞纳里奥议会和其他几个艾露恩姐妹会的成员。