


美式发音: [ɪˈlɪʒiəm] 英式发音: [iˈpziəm]





un.1.extensive low bulge on the surface of Mars in the northern hemisphere gently rising to a height of approximately 5 km (3 mi), supporting the volcanoes Hecates Tholus and Elysium Mons

n.1.in Greek mythology, the home of the blessed after deatstrong.any ideally depghtful or bpssful place or condition


2.极乐空间 末日之战 World War Z 极乐空间 Elysium 云图 Cloud Atlas ...

3.极乐境 灰色荒野 Gray Waste • 88 nodes 极乐境 Elysium • 53 nodes 法印城 Sigil • 48 nodes ...

4.乐土www.cawhi网址被屏蔽 2.khettakhura剃刀...khetta领域,福地...khettajina战胜 …

6.天堂 dawn【 拂晓】 elysium天堂】 destiny【 命运】 ...

7.冥界她是从希腊神话中圣人及英雄灵魂居住的冥界Elysium)而得名。从协和广场至凯旋门全长1.8公里,栗树和梧桐植於两旁,是 …


1.Lilac is a guardian of Elysium with fantastic skills; the mystic power seems to come from her Demon parents who once rejected her.莉莱是个使用奇异战技保卫净土的守护者,她那神秘的力量泉源似乎是来自弃养她的恶魔双亲。

2.This volcano is located in the northern hemisphere of Mars and is the northernmost of three volcanoes within Elysium Planitia.它位于火星北半球,是ElysiumPlanitia地区三座火山中最北边的一座。

3.Whether they be in Ethiopia, the South Bronx, or even in such an Elysium as Los Angeles, we resolve to keep them off our minds.无论他们是在埃塞尔比亚,还是在纽约南布朗克斯区,甚至是在洛杉矶这样的天堂,我们都决意不去为他们操心。

4.The reason Qunny joined Axe and Spear is still unbeknown, some people guess it's because he's interested in the treasure of Elysium , too.而奎尼加入斧与矛的理由仍然未知,有些人猜测可能是他也对净土的无尽财宝有兴趣。

5.I fear I cannot picture America as altogether an Elysium--perhaps, from the ordinary standpoint I know pttle about the country.恐怕我无法将美国描绘为一个完全的天堂,或许也可以说站在普通的角度上,我对这个国家知之甚少。

6.On the Elysium Planitia region of Mars, near the planet's equator, two distinct types and ages of lava are visible.在火星的净土平原区域,接近这个星球的赤道地区,两个类型和年代不同的熔岩层清晰可见。

7.To enter the Gates of Elysium , more than perseverance and strength is required, Step forward to attempt Judgement and prove your worth.为了能够踏入极乐世界,仅仅依靠坚韧和力量是不够的,上前接受审判来证明你的价值。

8.If you are to see your daughter again, you must become worthy of Elysium.如果你真的要与你的女儿重逢,你首先得成为值得进入极乐世界的人。

9.The judges say I have to go now to Elysium and that it will be nice there. I miss my family.法官们说我现在可以去极乐世界,那里会很美好。

10.That river, though to dull eyes it seems terrestrial wholly, flows through Elysium.那河,对迟钝的眼睛仿佛只流经土地,却是流过天堂。