




1.埃曼 Email 电子信函 Eman 埃曼 emanation 散发 ...

2.爱曼 elytron 翅鞘 eman 爱曼 emanate 分离 ...

3.益模制造执行系统 elpptically polarized wave 椭[圆]偏振波 eman 艾曼 (单位) emerald 祖母绿;纯绿宝石 ...

6.发言人埃曼 雪无影 Jennifer 臧一人 Eman 谢东闵 BRIAN ...


1."Those are just a few examples of how girls are mentally oppressed and denied their basic right to choose, " concluded Eman.最后,艾蒙下了这样的结论:“以上只是几个例子,说明了女孩们怎样受到心理压迫,以及她们的选择权的怎样被否决。”

2.Of course, most people failed to understand Eman's logic about maturity, independence, and leaving the nest.当然,多数人不能理解艾蒙关于成熟、独立,以及离巢的逻辑。

3.The last section is a summative assessment and a tentative plan for EMAN for future completion.最后,对本论文进行总结性评估,并提出了今后进一步完善的设想。

4.Her doctor does not agree with his patient's mission but Ms Eman bepeves she can reach her target weight without endangering her pfe.艾曼雄心壮志,但她的医生对此表示不赞同。艾曼坚信她能达到目标,同时不会让自己的生命陷入危险。

5.For some, having a wedding dress custom-made is a luxury, but for Susanne Eman it is the only way she will be sure her gown fits.对普通人而言,婚纱定制是一种奢华的享受,但对于苏珊妮·艾曼来说,要想穿上合适的礼服,婚纱定制才是唯一的出路。

6.A Palestinian boy and a destroyed building in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Eman Mohammed.加沙地带一个巴勒斯坦男孩儿和一个被毁的建筑。

7."Gender apartheid is the best word to describe the situation in Saudi Arabia, " wrote blogger Eman al-Nafjan.“性别隔离是用来形容沙特阿拉伯现状的最佳词汇”,博客作者埃曼·阿尔纳夫贾写道。

8.Susanne Eman, 32, aims to reach 115st by her forties by consuming enough food to fill six supermarket trolleys every week.32岁的苏珊娜·埃曼立志要在四十岁时体重达到115英石.而她的方法就是每个星期摄入六辆超市手推车的食物。

9.That means that Ms Eman will continue eating 30, 000 calories a day that her husband gladly cooks and feeds her.这也就意味着艾曼每天会继续摄入30000卡路里,对此,他的丈夫会非常乐意开心,还会时不时喂她吃自己煮的食物。

10.Dome of Eman Mosque.伊玛目清真寺的圆顶。