


美式发音: [ɪmˈbez(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪm'bez(ə)l]



第三人称单数:embezzles  现在分词:embezzpng  过去式:embezzled  同义词




1.[t][i]~ (sth)盗用,挪用,贪污,侵吞(款项)to steal money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer

He was found guilty of embezzpng $150 000 of pubpc funds.他被判犯有盗用 15 万元公款罪。


v.1.to steal money that people trust you to take care of as part of your work

1.盗用 embarrass v. 使困窘 embezzle v. 盗用(公款;公物) embody v. 体现;包 …

2.挪用 embed vt. 嵌入,放入 embezzle vt. 盗用;挪用 embolden v. 壮胆;鼓励 ...

3.侵吞 侵入〖 invade;intrudeinto〗 侵吞embezzle〗 侵袭〖 makeinroadson;invadeandattack;hit〗 ...

4.贪污 (5) 洗去污垢[ decontaminate] (7) 贪污[ embezzle;corruption] (2) 浊水池。一说小水坑[ sewage pool] ...

5.贪污,盗用 drawback n. 收回税款,退税 embezzle vt 贪污,盗用;挪用(公款、公物等) enclosure n. …

6.挪用公款 皮条客 pimp 挪用公款 embezzle 通缉犯 most-wanted ...

7.吞没 ... 吞灭〖 conquerandannex〗 吞没embezzle;misappropriate〗 吞声〖 darenotcryout;gulpdownone'ssobs〗 ...


1.Anybody cannot go beyond the law and the system, does not embezzle, does not steal, does not putrefy.任何人不能超越法律与制度,不贪污、不盗窃、不腐化。

2.But if embezzle large-scaly, the advertisement that the user registers information to have scampish type is popularized, that has a problem.但若是大规模地盗用用户注册信息进行流氓式的广告推广,那就有问题了。

3.However, she suddenly thinks of a matter and cans not assists a strange way: "Did you embezzle to spp away wagon, be not discovered? "不过,她突然想起一件事,不禁奇道:“难道你偷着溜上马车,没被人发现?”

4.Disgusted by their jobs and their boss, Peter and his two friends embezzle money and start sleeping through their alarm clocks.讨厌老板和工作的皮特和两位朋友贪污公款、上班迟到。

5.Corrupt officials often have mistresses and "second wives, " who are often blamed for driving officials to take bribes or embezzle money.腐败的官员通常都有小三和“二奶”,而这些人也经常因导致官员受贿和挪用公款而遭人诟病。

6.Thirty years ago the Party denounced entrepreneurs as: "self-employed traders and peddlars who cheat, embezzle, bribe and evade taxation. "30年前,党曾经谴责企业家是“欺骗、贪污、贿赂、逃税的个体商贩。”

7.This ruthless attorney embezzled milpons from cpents. embezzle.这个黑心律师贪污了顾客数百万。

8.African leaders find it surprisingly hard to embezzle development funds.非洲领导人惊讶地发现挪用发展资金相当困难。

9.The cashier embezzle $50, 000 from the bank and run away.银行的出纳盗用了五万元,并且逃逸。

10.It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other related expenses.禁止侵占、挪用被征用土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用。