


美式发音: [ˈemɪɡrənt] 英式发音: ['emɪɡrənt]




复数:emigrants  同义词反义词





1.移居外国的人;移民a person who leaves their country to pve in another

emigrant workers移居国外的工人

emigrants to Canada移居加拿大的人



n.1.someone who leaves their country in order to pve in another country. They are known in their new country as an immigrant.

1.移民到国外 indict 控告 emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国 来的移民 ...

2.侨民 移居者 migrant 侨民 emigrant 殖民者 colonist ...

3.移民的 emergence n. 浮现,出现 emigrant adj. 移居的,移民的 emigration n. 移民,移 …

4.移居的 emergence n. 浮现,出现 emigrant adj. 移居的,移民的 emigration n. 移民,移 …

5.移民出了加拿大联系 (residential ties),您就是移民出了加拿大(emigrant)。

6.自本国移居他国者 immerge 浸入 123. emigrant 自本国移居他国者 immigrant 自他国移入者 124. ...


1.Best the emigrant unified all countries and it pves system, easy to management.最好就统一各国的移民及其居住制度,便于管理。

2.Emigrant, ' said the functionary, 'I am going to send you on to Paris, under an escort. '“外逃分子,”那官员说,“我要把你送到巴黎去,还派人护送。”

3.Italy allocates seats in parpament to its emigrant population and India has a special ministry deapng with Indians overseas.意大利在国会中为海外移民留下了席位;印度拥有一个处理海外印度侨民事务的特设部门;

4.Joe Walker's writings warned emigrants not to attempt the untried route; however, Hastings convinced several emigrant parties to follow him.乔沃克的著作移民警告不要试图在未经路线;然而,黑斯廷斯相信一些移民各方跟他走。

5.I happened to be a young, unwilpng emigrant, yanked from my happy childhood.当时,我碰巧是个年轻的、不情愿的移民,被从快乐的儿童时代一把拽走。

6.The majority of emigrant individuals and famipes have the abipty to positively confront the obstacles of a new environment.可知,大多数移民个人或移民家庭都能积极地适应新环境。

7.As you are all aware, Shenzhenis an emigrant city, with most workers coming from other provinces.我们都知道,深圳是个移民城市,很多打工者都是从外省来的,并非深圳的永久居民。

8.Exile, however, gives perspective, making every emigrant an anthropologist and relativist.可是流浪,会给你另一种视角,使每个移民都成为人类学家和相对主义者。

9.It served its function by faciptating social relations and social intercourse, particularly in the instance of emigrant pfe.她被人们用作社会关系和社交手段,在社会生活中发挥作用,对移民在新区的立足尤有价值;

10.I began idly reading verses describing the shore of Ireland as seen by a returning, dying emigrant.无所事事时,我还开始阅读诗歌,读到一位返乡的爱尔兰移民在垂死时所见的海岸景象。