


美式发音: [ˈemɪˌɡreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈemɪɡreɪt]



第三人称单数:emigrates  现在分词:emigrating  过去式:emigrated  反义词




1.[i]~ (from…) (to…)移居国外;移民to leave your own country to go and pve permanently in another country


v.1.to leave your country in order to pve in another country

1.移居 asymmetry n 不对称(a不+ emigrate v 移居(外国)(e出+ migre 移) ...

2.移民 移居〖 moveone'sresidence;migrate〗 移民〖 migrate;emigrate〗 三峡移民〖 migrant〗 ...

3.移居国外 eject 投出,掷出 emigrate 移居国外 elect 选出 ...

4.移居外国 embroidery 刺绣 emigrate 移居外国,移民 emotion 情感,激动,激情 ...

5.永久移居国外 emerge vi. 浮现,出现;显露 emigrate vi. 永久移居国外 emission n. 散发;传播;发出物 ...

6.迁出 migrate 移动,迁徙,移居, 移植 emigrate 迁出,移民外国, immigrate 移居入境,.移来 ...

7.移民外国 migrate 移动,迁徙,移居, 移植 emigrate 迁出,移民外国, immigrate 移居入境,.移来 ...


1.Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. wound. So he decided to emigrate.他周围的一切都充斥着她过去的存在,不时地刺痛伤口。因此,他决定移居国外。

2.The push to emigrate, which had begun in the early 1960s as an underground movement, had grown by 1970 into an open campaign.推动自由移居的运动滥觞于1960年代早期,到1970年,原本处于地下的活动经过发展,变成一项公开运动。

3.Some said the earth-imaging orbiter, launched three years ago, wanted to emigrate, just as many Egyptians do.一些人说,这枚3年前发射的卫星和很多埃及人一样,很早就想要移民国外。

4.But the wealthy entrepreneur has no regrets about her decision to emigrate to North America two years ago.不过这位富有的企业家一点也不后悔两年前作出的移民北美的决定。

5.Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. So he decided to emigrate.他身边的一切都是母亲的影子不断勾起他的伤感.于是他决定移居他国。

6.He was not entirely wishful to emigrate, and yet when he thought of it he was wishful.他原来不大情愿移居国外,但他一转念,也就愿意了。

7.Linda and Harry have been planning to emigrate to France for a year.一年以来,琳达和哈利一直打算移民到法国去。

8.Like many young self-employed Greeks he wonders whether he should stop trying to keep his business afloat and emigrate to Austrapa instead.像许多年轻的希腊自由职业者一样,他想知道是否他应该停止尽力维系他的业务,而移民到澳大利亚去。

9.Mike want to emigrate to the United States, leadership asked him: "You do not satisfied with your wages? "小李要移民到美国,领导问他:“你对你的工资不满意吗?”

10.Would she also emigrate, if she could? "Yes, " she said immediately.如果可能,她也会移民吗?“当然”,她立刻答道。