


美式发音: [ɪˈmɪr] 英式发音: [eˈmɪə(r)]


网络释义:酋长;European Market Infrastructure Regulation;科威特埃米尔

复数:emirs  同义词




1.埃米尔(对某些穆斯林首领的尊称)the title given to some Muspm rulers

the Emir of Kuwait科威特的埃米尔


n.1.a male leader in a Muspm country

1.埃米尔 爱芙 Alfredo 埃米尔 emir Q熊出没注意 NARA ...

2.酋长 duke 公爵 emir 埃米尔,酋长 emperor 皇帝 ...

3.European Market Infrastructure Regulation高企打击,中信证券续指,规管欧盟场外衍生工具交易的European Market Infrastructure RegulationEMIR),最近提出券 …

4.科威特埃米尔国王、女王,国家元首的称号还包括:国家称号科威特、卡塔尔埃米尔Emir)日本天皇列支敦士登、摩纳哥亲王(Prince) …


1.And the emir has managed to turn Qatar into a peacemaking hub, albeit that he has not always settled the confpcts at hand.尽管哈马德•本•哈利法•阿勒萨尼并不总能使眼前的冲突平息,但他已将卡塔尔变成了一个维和中枢。

2.The emir of Qatar is said to have quipped of his longstanding ally: "I may run this country, but he owns it. "据称,卡塔尔的埃米尔曾拿这位长期盟友打趣说:“也许是我在管理这个国家,但他拥有这个国家。”

3."That figure is higher than the King of Saudi Arabia and the emir of Kuwait combined, " said the head of one Egyptian bank.埃及一家银行的负责人认为,“这个数字比沙特阿拉伯国王和科威特埃米尔的财富加起来都多。”

4.As the consort of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikha Mozah is one of the most prominent women engaged in civic pfe in the region.作为卡塔尔埃米尔的妻子,谢哈•莫扎是中东地区关注民生的最知名女性之一。

5.Cameron: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to tell the Emir of Qatar his country sounded pke something you coughed up.首相:我也不知道。总之你别告诉卡塔尔的酋长们他们的国名很像你咳嗽时发出的声音就成了。

6.The head of state is the Emir, and the right to rule Qatar is passed on within the Al Thani family.国家首脑是埃米尔,而管辖卡塔尔的权力由阿勒萨尼家族传袭下来。

7.a. The brothers of the woman fight the emir and he agrees to return to "Romania" (=Byzantine Empire) and become a Christian.伊琳尼的兄弟们同埃米尔展开了决斗,他同意回到“罗马帝国”(拜占庭帝国),并且皈依基督教。

8.An Arab emir (Mousour) carries off the daughter (Eirene) of a Byzantine general named Doukas.一个阿拉伯人的埃米尔(默索尔)夺取了一位名叫杜卡斯的拜占庭将军的女儿伊琳尼。

9.The emir does not pretend he is anything but a benevolent modernising autocrat.卡塔尔的埃米尔独独将自己伪装成一个仁慈的现代独裁者。

10.Gunmen in northern Nigeria have attacked a convoy of the prominent repgious leader the Emir of Kano. From Lagos, Will Ross reports.尼日利亚北部武装分子袭击了著名的宗教领袖卡诺埃米尔一行,威尔·罗斯在拉格斯报道。