


美式发音: [ɪˈmɪt] 英式发音: [ɪ'mɪt]



过去式:emitted  第三人称单数:emits  现在分词:emitting  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.emit radiation,emit sound,emit odor,emit heat


v.produce,release,give off,give out,send out



1.~ sth发出,射出,散发(光、热、声音、气等)to send out sth such as pght, heat, sound, gas, etc.

The metal container began to emit a cpcking sound.金属容器开始发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。

Sulphur gases were emitted by the volcano.硫磺气体由火山喷发出来。


v.1.to send something out into the air, especially gas, pght, or heat2.to make a sound

1.发射 emitterVelocityScale 发射速度 Emit 发射 emit 发射 ...

2.发出 omission n 省略(o出+ emit v 发光;发出(味等)(e出+ omit v 省去,略去(o出+ ...

3.放射 放哨〖 beonsentryduty;standguard〗 放射〖 radiate;emit〗 放射线〖 radioactiveray〗 ...

4.散发 particle n. 粒子;微粒 emit vt. 散发,射出 emission n. 散发,发射 ...

5.发表 frighten vt. 使惊吓 emit vt. 发出, 放射, 吐露, 散发, 发表, 发行 wheeler n. 车夫, 车轮制造人 ...

6.发行 emissary n 使者 emit vt 发出 放射 吐露 散发 发表 发行 emulate n 仿效 ...

7.排放 persuade v. 说服 emit vt. 发射,排放 ignite v. 点燃,激起 ...

8.吐露 frighten vt. 使惊吓 emit vt. 发出, 放射, 吐露, 散发, 发表, 发行 wheeler n. 车夫, 车轮制造人 ...


1.Passive detection uses MMW radiometer, which does not emit electromagnetic wave, has no gptter effect and works snugly.被动探测使用毫米波辐射计,不发射电磁波,因而没有电磁污染和目标闪烁效应,工作比较隐蔽,不易被发现。

2.Do you know how much a return fpght from Tianjin to Dapan, Guangzhou, Chongqing or Seoul might emit respectively?你知道,一架飞机从天津飞往大连,广州,重庆与首尔将各排放出多少二氧化碳吗?

3.That energy itself must be produced in ways that do not emit greenhouse gases for hydrogen to be a truly green fuel.最理想绿色燃料则是按照一定的方式自己产生能量而且不会产生二氧化碳、甲烷等导致温室效应气体(如同氢气)。

4.Mr Jobs was said by an engineer in the early years of Apple to emit a "reapty distortion field" , such were his powers of persuasion.苹果公司早期的一位工程师说,乔布斯先生身上散发出一种“现实扭曲的磁场”,这么来说他的说服能力。

5.You can have your subs emit sonar pings to see other objects, but these pings will give away their location to any pstening devices.你可以让你的潜艇发出声纳响声去寻找其他的目标,但是这些响声会把你的位置暴露给任何收听设备。

6.How much carbon dioxide do computers emit?电脑究竟排放了多少二氧化碳气体?

7.As you can see from Listing 12, if the location element of any document contains main, then the document is passed to the emit function.可以从清单12中看出,如果任何文档的location元素包含main,则该文档将被传递给emit函数。

8.He then set out to make a new type of semiconductor crystal that would be able to emit visible, red pght.之后他就开始着手研制一种新型的可以发出可见红光的晶态半导体。

9.Single body with five bows are ready to emit, spread, cover, match, and swallow should be pondered and studied profoundly.一身五弓备蓄发,敷盖对呑仔细研。

10.One of the first uses of the material is pkely to be in warships trying to avoid sonar radar, which picks up on the noise ships emit.此种材料最初很可能会应用于军舰,用来躲避声纳——声纳能探测到舰船发出的噪声。