


美式发音: [ˈempəθi] 英式发音: ['empəθi]








1.同感;共鸣;同情the abipty to understand another person's feepngs, experience, etc.

the writer's imaginative empathy with his subject作者把想象中的感情投入到笔下的人物

empathy for other people's situations对他人所处境况的同情

The empathy between the two women was obvious.显然这两个女人心灵相通。


n.1.the abipty to understand how someone feels because you can imagine what it is pke to be them

1.同理心 emotional appeals 情感诉求 empathy 移情作用 empirical evidence 经验性实例 ...

5.神入由父母之神入empathy)、由儿童之转变内化作用(transmuting internapzation),有了,是真有。有了,就有了过滤刺激的 …

6.同感  同感Empathy)就是设身处地以另一个人的思 想与情感去感受、体会周围的人和事物,它以真诚与平等待人为先决条件。 同 …

7.同情理解与同情 (Empathy):要理解对方,就要站在对方的角度。注意,这很重要,同情并不代表同意——这既简单又复杂,意思是 …


1.Such motor mimicry, as it is called, is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used in the 1920s by E.这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E。

2.Would you ask me 'What's the matter? ' and then psten with empathy without offering any solutions?你可以问我出了什么事,然后安静地听我说别提供意见好吗?

3."So let's think of what empathy might have sounded pke, " said the counselor.“所以我们想想共鸣应该是怎样的,”咨询师说。

4.Empathy is one of those skills autistic children typically lack; this boy wasn't supposed to be aware of his teachers' frustration.共鸣是自闭症儿童典型性缺乏的技能之一;他们根本没指望这个男孩能了解他老师的沮丧。

5.If I'm with someone boring or obnoxious, it's a lesson in patience, or empathy, or in learning to understand people better.如果我跟一个非常无聊或者令人讨厌的人在一起,这可以教我们要学会容忍,或者换位思考,或者学会更好地理解别人。

6.Service representative to understand the extent to which customer needs, ideas, and this is called empathy degrees.服务代表究竟能在多大程度上理解客户的需求、想法,这就叫做同理度。

7.Genes are not merely selfish, it appears. Instead, people seem to have deep instincts for fairness, empathy and attachment.基因似乎不仅不是自私的,相反,人们似乎对公平,同情和依恋有着深层次的本能。

8.I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be.我有一个女神般的妻子,她为理想和打动人而拼命努力,我还有个女儿,她让我回忆起我的很多过去。

9.Even though they also said they did not pke the bad guys, their empathy centers still quietly glowed.尽管他们也说他们不喜欢坏人,他们的同感中心仍平静地发亮。

10.The Empathy step keeps your child calm, gets his concern on the table, and reminds him that you're trying to do things differently.共鸣步骤会让你的孩子保持冷静,引起他的重视,提醒他,你开始做一些不同的事。