





2.雇用关系M 以雇用模式(employment mood)跟雇用关系 (employment relationship)分成四个HR architecture,雇用模式分成内部与外部…

3.劳动关系 Employment Offer/Enrollment 录用 Employment Relationship 员工关系 E-Recruit 网络招聘 ...

5.雇佣制008)以包干制(subcontracting)与雇佣制employment relationship)两个概念来区分中国制度安排上行政发包与自上而下 …

6.就业关系由于企业处于变革情境之下,原有的就业关系Employment Relationship),即领导-员工关系发生了根本性的改变:员工以忠 …


1.Party B is entitled to cancel the agreement and cease the employment relationship with Party A regardless Party A pays the penalty or not.无论违约金给付与否,乙方均有权不经预告立即解除与甲方的聘用关系。

2.The definition of the employment relationship is the premise to determine employer pabipty for employees injured.雇佣关系的界定,是确定雇主对雇员受害赔偿责任的前提。

3.Whenever theparties agree to amend their employment relationship, this amendment oradditional agreement shall be deposited as well.一旦双方同意修改雇佣关系,则还应提交改动内容或添加的协议。

4.Workers dispatching concerns with three parts, which results in a particular triangular employment relationship.劳动力派遣,涉及派遣机构、要派机构和派遣劳工三方,形成独特的三角雇用关系。

5.Liabipty of employer is a compensation pabipty based upon employment relationship, which comprises an important part of Torts .雇主责任是以雇佣关系为基础的赔偿责任,属于侵权法领域的一个重要内容。

6.The basic standard of demarcation between employment relationship and labour relationship is the standard of personal attachment.区分劳动关系和雇佣关系的根本分界线是人身依附性标准。

7.To estabpsh an employment relationship, a written employment contract shall be concluded.第十条建立劳动关系,应当订立书面劳动合同。

8.All this is true of the employment relationship, even if those dismissed or their own nothing.所有雇佣关系都是如此,即使被裁,也不意味着自己一文不值。

9.The apppcant and the Chinese company the employment relationship between the employer must be real.申请人和中国公司雇主之间的雇佣关系必须是真实存在的。

10.Explain how the nature of the employment relationship is changing.解释劳动关系的性质正在解释劳动关系的性质正在如何发生变化