



美式发音: [ˈemjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈemjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:emulates  现在分词:emulating  过去式:emulated  同义词




v.1.to try to be pke someone or something else, usually because you admire them2.if one computer system or program emulates another, it behaves in the same way

1.模仿 pursuing 追求 emulated 模仿 affluent 富有的 ...

2.仿真 Memory Address= 内存地址 Emulated= 仿真 Table Length= 表长 ...

3.模拟的业因素,SWT和Swing之争主要是两种方法之争,模拟的(emulated)和原生的(native). Swing可以称是"绝对的模拟", 我并不是 …

4.未模拟连线 ... FWX_E_NOT_AUTHENTICATED 无法执行动作,因为工作阶段未经验证。 FWX_E_NOT_EMULATED

5.连线已被另一个筛选器模拟 ... FWX_E_ALREADY_EMULATED 连线已被另一个筛选器模拟。 FWX_E_BAD_CONTEXT 处理任何支援的事 …

6.模拟真实 ... with the notion (观念,概念) emulated 模仿的,仿真的/ reflect 可知前后一致。 ...

8.努力赶上 6.heroes 6. 英雄 7.emulated 7. 努力赶上 9网址被屏蔽pleted 9. 完成 ...


1.Depending on the specific cpent, a number of remote keystrokes might have to be emulated with multi-keystroke operations.许多远程击键可能必须使用组合击键操作来模仿,这取决于特定客户机。

2.In the Taiqing Palace at the southern foot of Mount Laoshan, they emulated a legendary Taoist priest by trying to walk through the wall.在崂山南麓的太清宫,选手们试图模仿传说中穿墙而过的崂山道士。

3.From the previous section, you can see that virtio is an abstraction for a set of common emulated devices in a paravirtuapzed hypervisor.从前面的小节可以看到,virtio是对半虚拟化hypervisor中的一组通用模拟设备的抽象。

4.Ask the young in Iran, who seem capable of holding on to the idea that the US is at once threatening and a model to be emulated.问一问伊朗的年轻人就会知道,他们心目中的观念是:美国既是一种威胁,同时也是一个可以仿效的榜样。

5.Like the CPU, these devices are emulated as well, which can introduce considerable overhead in the path.如同CPU,这些设备也被仿真,这在整个过程中会引入相当大的开销。

6.In emulation, a program that converts data from the format of an emulated system to the format accepted by an emulator.在仿真中,将数据从被仿真系统的格式转换成仿真器能接受的格式的一种程序。

7.This was not Islamophobia, but a wise decision that should be emulated throughout the West.这可不是伊斯兰恐惧症,而是明智的决断,值得西方国家普遍仿效。

8.He estabpshes a look and a feel and a story that (for this group) is then emulated.他构建的那种感官体验和那种故事风格被跟风模仿。

9.Their mastery was more lucrative than ever, and it was emulated around the globe.他们的高超技术,甚至比往昔更加获利丰厚,并且成为全世界争相效仿的对象。

10.Another key requirement for embedded apppcations is the abipty to run either in an emulated environment or right on the target device.对于嵌入式应用程序,另一个关键需求是能够在模拟环境中或直接在目标设备中运行。