



美式发音: [ɪnˈdeɪndʒər] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r)]



第三人称单数:endangers  现在分词:endangering  过去式:endangered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.endanger safety,endanger security,endanger freedom,endanger society





v.1.to put someone or something into a situation where they might be harmed or damaged

1.濒危ande物种濒危等级.我国受威胁的植物等级被划分为濒危(Endangered),稀有(Rare)和渐危(Vulnerable)3个等级.物种濒危等级评 …

2.濒临绝灭 campaign 运动 endangered 濒临灭绝的 slogan 标语;口号 ...

4.濒危的 maintain n. 保持;维持;保养 endangered adj. 濒危的 recommend v. 建议 ...

5.濒临绝种的 medical 医疗的 64 endangered 濒临绝种的 65 species 物种 66 ...

6.将要绝种的 height 高度 endangered 将要绝种的 jungle 丛林,密林 ...

7.有灭绝危险的 campaign n. 运动;竞选运动 : endangered adj. 有灭绝危险的;将要绝种的 smoke v. 吸烟;抽烟 ...

8.危害 A. encouraged (促进,激励) B. endangered危害) C. endorsed (签名,批准) ...


1.Instead, her assignment in the war effort was to coordinate the evacuation of endangered populaces along the spreading battlefronts.相反,她在战争中的任务是在漫长的战线上协调难民的疏散。

2.But he is to be sent to China, under an agreement between the two nations, to help replenish the endangered species' numbers in the wild.但根据中美两国签订的协议,他必须得回中国以促进熊猫这个世界濒临灭绝物种的发展工作。

3.Global warming has led to a new travel boom: the urge to see some of the world's most endangered sites before they disappear forever.全球变暖导致一个新的旅游热:旅游者渴望在世界上最濒危的景点完全消失之前去游览一番。

4.We take you to Taiwan's Xueba National Park to understand the conservation effort of the endangered Formosan Landlocked Salmon.我们带大家到雪霸国家公园,了解保育濒临绝种樱花钩吻鲑的努力。

5.It is of course very easy to laugh at the story of the small fish that endangered the great dam.对这个小鱼危及大坝的故事付诸一笑当然很容易。

6.The long-nosed baiji had been critically endangered for years, due to pollution, overfishing and shipping along the Yangtze river.由于长江的污染、过度捕捞和航运的影响,长鼻子的白暨豚多年来一直属于濒危物种。

7.Invoking the powers of the Endangered Species Act, a federal court placed pmits on the pumps at Tracy in an attempt to save the fish.联邦法院援引《濒危物种法案》的相关条例,对特雷西的水泵站进行限制,试图挽救这些数量锐减的鱼类。

8.Even if refinancing were available for endangered firms, it would be prohibitively dear. It is only a matter of time before some go under.即使再融资对这些公司是可行的,其代价也非常昂贵,破产只是时间问题。

9.The lost of the nests and eggs was one of the key factors which caused the Cabot's tragopan to be endangered.孵卵期间巢和卵的损失是导致其濒危的重要因素之一。

10.Serbia would not accept such a decision, and the dynasty would be endangered.塞尔维亚不能接受这样的决策,而且这会危及王朝。