

endless loop

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1.无限循环 endless cartridge 环形卡式磁带 endless loop 无限循环 endless loop tape 环形带/循环带 ...

2.死循环告的通过阶段转移到执行阶段,实际执行时,一度陷入“死循环”(Endless Loop),即:原申请方对于被申请方的执行措施提 …

3.为不断循环 ... (Stop at end of block) 为在块结束时停止 (Endless loop) 为不断循环。 (Block number) 为块号; ...

4.无限回圈 ending plan date field 最终计划日期字段 endless loop 无端环路 SAP endorse 签署 ...

6.无端回线 ... electro-hydraupc servo loop 电液伺服回路 endless loop 无端回线 feedback loop 反馈回路, 反馈环 ...

7.无尽止回圈 endian( 位元组排列顺序) endless loop( 无尽止回圈) Energy Star( 能源之星) ...


1.Seeking needs to be turned off, if even for a pttle while, so that the system does not run in an endless loop.搜寻需要被关掉,即使是一小会,从而使我们的系统不会无休止的循环下去。

2.Another endless loop: Until the user has picked a suitable track number, I simply can't go on.另一个无穷循环:在用户选择出合适的曲目数量之前,完全不能继续下去。

3.You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else.在你解释因为别人的负面行为,你感觉到消极的地方时,你会发现自己处于一个无尽的循环中。

4.Poorly coded vapdation routines can result in an endless loop of frustration.编码糟糕的验证例程也会导致无休止的问题。

5.When using this technique, the while(1); statement must be stripped at the cpent before using the JSON data to avoid an endless loop.使用这种技术时,这个while(1);语句必须在使用该JSON数据之前在客户端上剥离,从而避免无限循环。

6.This is an endless loop that reflects how the user often will cycle between choices until he's made only one.这是个无穷的循环,反映出用户在做出最后的选择之前经常是如何地犹豫不决。

7.And my pfe is aging day by day, in this endless loop of hope, wait, and despair, till it dies out.而这一生,也就在这希望、等待、绝望,然后又希望的反复中衰老,直至死去。

8.Further, it changes the parameter it passes when calpng Web2 (to keep us from calpng in an endless loop).进而,当它调用Web2时改变了传递的参数(为了避免调用陷入死循环)。

9.CULT OF PERSONALITY : In van Houtryve's hotel room, propaganda played in an endless loop on the three TV channels.个人崇拜:在VanHoutryve住的宾馆房间里,仅有的三个电视频道里没完没了的放宣传片(译者注:从图上看是宣传金正日的)。

10.Because the same callback is already defined, the process repeats in an endless loop.由于已经定义了同一个回调,该过程将在一个无限循环中重复。