



美式发音: [enˈdɔrfɪn] 英式发音: [enˈdɔː(r)fɪn]






n.1.a type of hormone produced in the body that reduces pain, especially when you are injured or physically tired

1.脑内啡 endomorph 胖型体质 endorphins 内腓呔 endoscopic surgery 内窥镜手术 ...

7.恩多芬大脑会分泌一种叫作“恩多芬”(Endorphins)的物质,产生一种自然的熏熏然的感觉,使呼吸系统像做过诸如慢跑之类的运动般的 …


1.Laughter releases endorphins, relaxes the whole body, and can even change one's perspective just a bit.笑声会让观众会释放内啡肽,放松身体,甚至可以小小地改变他们的洞察力。

2.She said she loved sex so could write about it in the "scratch and itch burst of endorphins" style in which it should be written.她直言自己热衷性爱,因此她的创作方式“简单直白,且能表达本能欲望”,而这类文章原本也该这样写。

3.It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feepng of well-being.它释放内啡肽到血流中,产生陶醉般的安乐感,让你体验于幸福之中。

4.Exercise improves one's state of mind in part by affecting the body's levels of two chemicals: cortisol and endorphins.锻炼可以促进我们的精神状态,一部分原因是通过影响身体中两种化学物质的水平:皮质醇和内啡肽。

5.Laughter releases endorphins, the feel-good hormone, and is one of the best ways of elevating our mood.笑声释放内啡肽——一种让人感觉良好的荷尔蒙,这是让我们恢复我们心情的最佳方法之一。

6.The physical activity involved in smashing the hotel rooms generates endorphins that help get rid of tension, the company said.旅馆表示,砸毁客房的体能活动可产生脑内啡,有助于化解紧张情绪。

7.But the runners did not reapze that the investigators were studying the release of endorphins and the runner's high.但跑步者并未意识到他们是在研究内啡肽的释放与跑步者高潮。

8.Physical activity helps to bump up the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins.体力活动能帮助你提高让大脑具有良好感觉的神经递质--内啡肽--的产生。

9.Meanwhile, the brain releases a cascade of endorphins, the body's natural opiates , to dull the pain of those potential injuries.同时,大脑释放出了身体中天然鸦片--内啡肽来减轻潜在威胁的痛苦。

10.Mood changes are not always positive though, and when some runners have an increase in endorphins they experience negative mood changes.虽然感觉的变化并非都是正面的,有些奔跑者在内啡肽大量释放后,会有消极的情绪产生。