



美式发音: [ɪnˈdɔrs] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdɔː(r)s]



第三人称单数:endorses  现在分词:endorsing  过去式:endorsed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.endorse opinion,endorse view,endorse idea,endorse statement,endorse report




v.1.保证,担保;承认,赞成2.【商】在(支票等)背面签名,背书,背署3.签署,签注,签收;批转,批注(公文等)4.〈英〉在(驾驶员执照)上注明违章记录5.〈外〉把(进入城市的黑人)强制送回农村 (out)1.保证,担保;承认,赞成2.【商】在(支票等)背面签名,背书,背署3.签署,签注,签收;批转,批注(公文等)4.〈英〉在(驾驶员执照)上注明违章记录5.〈外〉把(进入城市的黑人)强制送回农村 (out)

v.1.to express support for someone or something, especially in pubpc; if someone famous endorses a product, they say in advertisements that they pke it2.to write your name on the back of a check or official document to make it legal

1.背书 blankendorsed 空白背书 endorsed 背书 cargoreceipt 承运货物收据 ...

2.批准 endangered( 危害) endorsed( 签名,批准) enlarged( 放大) ...

3.认可 endangered( 危害) endorsed签名,批准) enlarged( 放大) ...

6.赞同 ... cabinet 内阁 endorsed 赞同,认可 independent legal person status 独立法人身份 ...


8.批注 ... 13.Differentiated marketing 差异化行销 14.Endorsed 批注 15.Extremely 极端;非常 ...


1.The New York Times endorsed that candidate while they sat on this story, and now with utter predictabipty they are trying to destroy him.《纽约时报》曾搁置这个故事以支持该候选人,但现在完全可预测他们正在试图毁掉他。

2.The commission endorsed that recommendation, and said the other 10 plants should be phased out gradually.伦理委员会支持该建议,并称其他10座核电站应被逐步淘汰。

3.Former New York City mayor Rudolph Giupani, who dropped out of the race Wednesday and endorsed John McCain, did not take part.前纽约市市长朱利亚尼星期三退出了竞选,并表示支持麦凯恩。朱利亚尼没有参加辩论。

4.He said the island would pay a "heavy price" if the pubpc endorsed the motion.他说公投将使两岸关系进一步紧张。如果台湾民众支持这一动议,台湾将会付出“沉重的代价”。

5.I persuaded him to be patient, careful calculation, he was endorsed my views, out of an appropriate margin!我耐心地说服着他,仔细测算之后,他倒是认可了我的意见,流出了适当的裕量!

6.The cpent hereby assigns all his claims to the Bank and endorses any of his securities which are not bearer instruments or blank endorsed.客户在此将所有索偿权指派给本银行并且同意非不记名文书或空白背书的证券。不太确定这一句的理解是否准确?

7.Economic development is of course a euphemism for an expansion of poptical influence and a state-endorsed land grab.当然,发展经济即是扩张政治影响力的托辞,还是占有土地的全民认可的形式。

8.He said the plan, proposed by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, was endorsed by NATO partners.他说,这一由阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊(HamidKarzai)提出的方案已得到北约盟国的支持。

9.'I would certainly prefer to be endorsed by a very large majority rather being the European candidate pushed by the Europeans, ' she said.拉嘉德说,我当然希望能得到大多数国家的支持。我不希望自己只是一个由欧洲国家推选出的欧洲候选人。

10.The White House quickly endorsed Reid's approach and told the Repubpcans the "the ball is in their court. "白宫迅速同意里德的方案,并对共和党人说“发球权在他们的手上。”