




1.爱的力量 ... LOVE Loss of Valuable Energy 丢失宝贵能量 Energy Of Love 爱的力量 Love And Energy 爱和能量 ...

2.宇宙骑士 ... 07.幻想传说 Tales of Phantasia 08.宇宙骑士 Energy of love 09.天地无用 OP …

3.爱心能量 ... 中国台湾 China Taiwan 爱心能量 Energy of love 俄罗斯 Russia ...

4.爱能后移居美国,曾任哈佛大学社会学系主任20多年。“爱能”(Energy of Love)这一概念,是索罗金于上世纪50年代末提出来的。


1.Let go of that which no longer serves and dispel all thoughts of matters that do not belong within your energy of Love.让哪些不再服务地1切逝去,驱散全部不再跟随你内心之中爱之能量地难题与想法。

2.And as you do that, as you walk through the fears, you transmute all energies and turn them into an energy of love.而当你这麽做,当你们穿越过恐惧时,你们就转化了所有的能量,把它们转变成了爱的能量。

3.Dancing stars and diamond-studded sky make way fro sunny sky in bright gold rays, emitting energy of love for afternoon romance to come.当舞动的星光和缀满钻石的天空被太阳的金色光芒普照,午后的浪漫四散着爱的能量即刻降临。

4.and only through accepting, forgiving and loving oneself wholly, the spiritual care will function well after the energy of love overflows.也唯有透过全然的接受、宽恕与爱自己,靈性关怀方在爱能量满溢后自然流露。

5.Send forth the energy of love's high vibrations and scientifically you reap the grand harvest from what you have sown.所以,发射出爱的高振动能量,从科学上讲你就收获了大量你已播种的好庄稼。

6.The energy of Love is everywhere and clearly you will experience a totally new way of being.无处不在,你将体验到一种完全不同的存在方式。

7.the energy of love coming from gold falls in our heart, germinating, growing and bearing fruit of love.生命主从爱发出的能量,落在我们心中,发芽、生长,结出爱的果子来。

8.The energy of love far outweighs the energy created by hate.爱的能量在比重上远远超过憎恨所创造的。

9.For there is absolutely NOTHING ELSE other than the energy of LOVE from which EVERYTHING derives.所以从每件事物衍生出来的完全没有其他任何事情可以超越【爱】的能量。

10.The energy of love exudes bpss.爱的能量带来幸福。