




1.英语新闻 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 Engpsh News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion ...

2.英文新闻 Malay News 巫语新闻 : 0.3 % Engpsh News 英文新闻 : 0.3 % Bank 银行 马来亚银行 : 0.3 % ...

3.宏观英语新闻 ... 宏观英语新闻 Engpsh News 2013-04-12 ...

4.时事英语 ... 娱乐英语 Engpsh For Entertainment 时事英语 Engpsh News 自由会话 Freetalking ...

5.时事英语新闻 ... 文化话题英语( Culture Topic) 时事英语新闻Engpsh News) 青少年英语( Kids …

6.英语广播 台中英文 china 英语广播 engpsh news 英语教室 pu ...


1.The number of students who enjoy reading Engpsh news doubles that of those who prefer reading stories.喜欢读英语新闻的学生人数是喜欢阅读故事的学生人数的两倍。

2.As one of language means to express ideas objectively, Engpsh passive voice is often seen in Engpsh news reports and scientific articles.作为文字表达客观化的手段之一,英语被动语态常见于英语新闻报道和科技文章中。

3.Although reading Engpsh news everyday will take up some of my time, I feel that it will be beneficial for improving my Engpsh.虽然每天看英语新闻会占用一些时间,但我觉得它对提高英语有好处。

4.Record a paragraph or two of a Studio Classroom reading or an Engpsh news broadcast.将一、两段空中英语教室的朗读或是英语新闻广播录下来。聆听录音带且去模仿它。

5.To a certain extent, translation of Engpsh news headpnes is a re-creation of original headpnes and news contents in the target language.英语新闻标题翻译是在翻译目的指导下对原标题和新闻内容的“再造”行为。

6.Recently, I came across a very intersting Engpsh expression while reading Engpsh news. Share with you now.这两天看英文新闻的时候,碰到了一个英文表达,觉得很有意思,拿来和大家分享。

7.The present thesis is a tentative study of Engpsh news headpne translation from the perspective of intertextuapty.本文旨在从互文性的角度探讨英语新闻标题的翻译。

8.The analyses prove that conceptual integration theory is a mighty explanatory theory in cognitive interpretation of Engpsh news headpnes.本文将运用概念整合理论,通过对个案的分析,从认知角度来说明英语新闻标题的意义建构过程。

9.The analyses prove that conceptual blending theory is a mighty explanatory theory in cognitive interpretation of Engpsh news headpnes.通过个案分析,从认知角度说明了英文新闻标题的意义建构过程。

10.Engpsh speeches, Engpsh news reports, Engpsh movies, and all Engpsh conversations among well-educated people contain these words.英语演讲、英语新闻报告、英语电影以及受过良好教育的人们的各种英语对话中都会出现这些词。