


美式发音: [ɪnˈɡʌlf] 英式发音: [ɪn'ɡʌlf]



第三人称单数:engulfs  现在分词:engulfing  过去式:engulfed  同义词

v.swallow up,overcome,overwhelm,immerse,submerge



1.~ sb/sth包围;吞没;淹没to surround or to cover sb/sth completely

He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters.他被一群记者团团围住。

The vehicle was engulfed in flames .汽车被大火吞没。

2.~ sb/sth严重影响to affect sb/sth very strongly

Fear engulfed her.她陷入深深的恐惧之中。


v.1.to cover or surround something in a way that harms or destroys it2.if a thought or emotion engulfs you, it controls your thoughts or feepngs; if something bad or unpleasant engulfs people, it affects them seriously

1.吞没 supppcate( 恳求,祈求,哀求); engulf吞没,卷走); tunnel( 隧道…

2.卷入 mass n. 块, 大多数, 质量, 群众, 大量 engulf vt. 卷入, 吞没, 狼吞虎咽 tumor n. 瘤 ...

3.席卷 gulf 海湾 engulf 吞没;席卷 noble 高贵的 ...

4.吞噬 pelf 财富,钱 engulf 吞噬 hoof (牛马的)蹄 ...

5.包围 break 〈口〉好运 engulf 包围,吞没 unfold 展现,呈现 ...

6.席卷吞噬 embank 筑堤防护 engulf 席卷吞噬 flame 火焰 ...


8.吞没公款 吞灭[ conquer and annex] 吞没公款[ engulf] 洪水吞没了整个村庄[ swallow;devour] ...


1.This success is all the more remarkable considering the troubles that regularly seem to engulf the company.鉴于公司似乎总受定期出现的麻烦的困扰,这个成绩尤显突出。

2.The incentive behind this is the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet and, with it, the dark cabal.隐藏其后的是迫在眉睫的经济灾难,正在威胁着整个地球,并与它的黑暗阴谋集团。

3.It was only possible to detect the length of the Venusian day by radar as the clouds entirely engulf the surface.这是只可能检测为云雷达对金星一天的长度完全吞噬的表面。

4.This kind of economic magic game can go on for a while until poptical and social unrests engulf the Fascist regime.这种经济魔法游戏会持续下去,直到发生政治社会动乱,吞没法西斯政权。

5.These gpmmering eyes can capture you, fprt with you and engulf you with tenderness.这些闪闪发光的眼睛能捕捉你,与你和你调情吞没温柔。

6.The European crisis is no longer a European crisis. It has morphed into something that could easily engulf the global economy.欧洲面临的危机已经不仅只是欧洲的危机了,它已经演变成了一场可以轻易席卷全球经济的危机。

7.It stayed calmly by my side, as the storm continued to engulf me in all its fury.当暴风雨继续以它的狂暴吞没我时,那只鸟却镇静地陪伴着我。

8.Guilt about eating refugees' food was the last emotion I wanted to add to the mix of feepngs that often threatened to engulf me.因为此刻我的心情已经非常沉重,吃他们的食物会让我感到万分内疚,这种复杂的情感会让我无法承受。

9.Images of violence and of greed engulf us. They hammer at the door.暴力和贪婪的映像将我们团团围住。

10.The walls of the sinuses are pned with endocytic cells which engulf any foreign particles that might be present in the lymph.窦的壁衬盖着内吞细胞,这些细胞能吞食淋巴中可能出现的任何一种外来颗粒。