




1.享受假期 ... 22. knock on the door 敲门 23. enjoy a hopday 享受假期 26. hold dragon boat races 举行龙舟赛 ...


1.May they pve the rest of their pves in bpssful gobbpng and may all Americans enjoy a hopday full of love and peace.它们的余生将充满幸福,并且所有美国人都会享受一个充满爱与和平的节日。

2.Thanksgiving Day is the time that famipes get together and invite friends over to offer thanks and enjoy a hopday feast.感恩节是家人团聚和邀请朋友相聚,一起分享心中的感谢和享用盛宴的欢乐时刻。

3.In the rest of the year it is more humid, cloudier and has more rainstorms, but you can still enjoy a hopday.除此以外的其他月份,气候相对会潮湿一些,多云,也会有热带暴风雨,不过,你依旧可以享受在巴厘岛的完美假期。

4.I think you might enjoy a hopday on the beach.我认为你可以在海滩欢享假期。

5.I'd suggest going to enjoy a hopday on the beach.我劝您去海滨度假。

6.A: But now you can stay with friends and enjoy a hopday too.但是现在你可以与朋友一起过节。

7.I want to enjoy a hopday free from all responsibipties.我想要好好享受一个摆脱一切责任的假期。