




1.享受这一刻 46 A Thirsty Planet 干渴的地球 50 Enjoy the Moment 享受这一刻 54 Take-Away Engpsh 英语文化随身带 ...

2.享受此时此刻入的一班人马,或者说,他们根本忘了自己在表演,全然享受著当下Enjoy the Moment),与场馆、乐迷交融为一片深蓝色 …

5.享受着当下入的一班人马,或者说,他们根本忘了自己在表演,全然享受着当下Enjoy the Moment),与场馆、乐迷交融为一片深蓝色 …

6.享受现在 ... 8. Find your caveman8. 运动吧。 9. Enjoy the moment9. 享受减肥的每时每刻。 Just Talk 无所不谈 293 ...


1.You should breathe. And enjoy the moment. In the end, whether or not you reach orgasm is almost beside the point.你应该深呼吸,享受这一时刻。最后,无论你是否达到高潮已经几乎无关紧要了。

2.Enjoy the moment, of course, but it will take real commitment to turn a momentary spark into a lasting fire.享受当下,是一定的,不过你的承诺才是能把那些值得怀念的火花变成真正的火焰的东西。

3.Like them, I also sat me down in a teahouse, and began to enjoy the moment provided by this street fair wreathed in the smell of tobacco.于是,我也坐在了茶摊上,就着顶篷缝隙间漏下的幽暗光线,细细品味这个夹杂着浓浓的烟草与乡土气息的乡村集市。

4.Seize each day. Live each day as if it's your last. Leave the past behind and do not anticipate the future. Be present to enjoy the moment.把握当下。把每天当作世界末日来过,忘掉过去,把握现在。

5.He's very happy and he told me to have fun, enjoy the moment and that's what I would say to another driver if it was the same situation.他很高兴,他告诉我要享受这项运动,当然在同样的情况下,我也会对别的车手这么说的。

6.relax a pttle and enjoy the moment. besides, you're going to have several girlfriends before you find "the one. "轻松的享受当下。另外,在找到真命天女之前你可能会有好几个女朋友。

7.Happiness is a voyage, not a destination, there is no better time to be happy than NOW . . . Live and enjoy the moment.幸福是去旅游,不只是抵达目的地,没有比现在更愉快的了…活著并享受此刻美好时光。

8.As I said, I just want to enjoy the moment. We're playing well and winning.就像我说过的,我仅仅想享受现在这个时刻,我们表现的十分杰出并一直在赢球。

9.Since time began, spiritual teachers have taught their students to "be here and now, " to "enjoy the moment" and to "seize the day. "千古以来,灵性老师们教导学生要活在“此时此地”,“享受当下”,“抓住每一天”。

10.In conclusion, I wish all medical care providers will treat patients with sincere heart and enjoy the moment of helping people.总而言之,我希望医疗人员们能够真心的医治病人并且真心喜欢帮助别人。