




1.用餐愉快 ... ...emergency food aid. 紧急食品援助 Enjoy your food. 用餐愉快。 ...supppes of food and water. 食物和水的供给 ...

2.请慢用 Haste makes waste。 欲速则不达。 Enjoy your food请慢用。 I gotta pee。 我要 …

3.享受你的食品 ... Don’t eat so fast. 不要吃得太快。 Enjoy your food. 享受你的食品。 I will. 我会的。 ...

4.享受食物 ... 4、Eat. 吃东西。 5、Enjoy your food. 享受食物。 7、Use the time to connect with someone new. 结识新 …

5.祝你享用愉快 ... Guest:Thanks. 谢谢。 Waiter:Enjoy your food. 祝你享用愉快。 Topic:Deapng with a complaint 处理投诉 ...


1.Try eating more slowly and stop eating when you feel comfortable, not stuffed. You'll be surprised at how much more you enjoy your food!吃得慢一点,不要吃得太饱,感觉舒服就不要再吃了。你会惊奇地发现,吃饭是多么美妙的事情!

2.Enjoy your food and the company of friends and family; it will help you lose weight as well as manage the weight you've already lost.和你的假如或朋友一起享用食物吧,这样会帮助你减肥和保持你减肥后的身材的。

3.Waitress: Sorry, but I've gotta run. Enjoy your food, and ring the service button if you need anything else!女侍:抱歉,我得走了。祝您用餐愉快,有任何其它的需要请按服务按钮!

4.It's hard to enjoy your food if it goes by too quickly.如果你狼吞虎咽的话,很难可以享受到珍馐百味。

5.By cutting food into smaller pieces, you can increase satiety and enjoy your food more thoroughly.通过将食物切成小块,你将增加果腹感并且更加充分享受你的食物。

6.Enjoy your food, and ring the service button if you need anything else!祝您用餐愉快,有任何其它的需要请按服务铃!

7.All right. I'm nearly done. Enjoy your food.好吧。我快吃完了。你慢慢吃。

8.Take your time , enjoy your food.不要着急,慢慢吃。

9.Thank you! Enjoy your food!谢谢夸奖!好好享用您的饭菜!

10.ENJOY your food, but eat less.享受你的食品,但是少吃点。