


美式发音: [ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'dʒɔɪmənt]



复数:enjoyments  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.provide enjoyment,give enjoyment,get enjoyment

adj.+n.great enjoyment,personal enjoyment,full enjoyment





1.[u]愉快;快乐;乐趣the pleasure that you get from sth

He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it.他一直在讲话,破坏了我看比赛的兴致。

The rules are there to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment.这些规定是为了保证每个人的安全和快乐。

Children seem to have lost their enjoyment in reading.孩子们似乎已失去阅读的乐趣。

I get a lot of enjoyment from my grandchildren.我从孙辈那儿得到很多乐趣。

2.[c]乐事;令人愉快的事something that gives you pleasure

Children pke to share interests and enjoyments with their parents.孩子们喜欢同父母一起分享各种兴趣和乐事。

3.[u]~ of sth享有;享受the fact of having and using sth

the enjoyment of equal rights平等权利的享有


n.1.pleasure that you get from an activity or experience; something that you enjoy doing2.the right to own or use something

1.享受 as a result 结果 enjoyment 快乐,享受 success 成功,胜利 ...

2.乐趣 enjoy 享受,喜爱 enjoyment 享乐,乐趣,欣赏,愉快 enlarge 扩大,放大, …

3.享乐 enjoy 享受,喜爱 enjoyment 享乐,乐趣,欣赏,愉快 enlarge 扩大,放大, …

4.快乐 as a result 结果 enjoyment 快乐,享受 success 成功,胜利 ...

5.喜悦 -vapant 勇敢 -enjoyment 喜悦 -yes 愿意 ...

6.愉快 enjoy 享受,喜爱 enjoyment 享乐,乐趣,欣赏,愉快 enlarge 扩大,放大, …

7.欣赏 enjoy 享受,喜爱 enjoyment 享乐,乐趣,欣赏,愉快 enlarge 扩大,放大, …

8.欢乐 open-hearted 诚挚的 enjoyment 愉快,欢乐,满意 hold back 控制(感情, …


1.Don't take out a loan for a trip, the thought of paying back the loan with interest will kill all the fun and enjoyment of your time away.不要为了旅游去借贷款,这种念头会扼杀掉你渴望快乐时光的乐趣。

2.The price is irrelevant when you see how great the jacket is and that I'll get years of enjoyment out of it.当你看到那件夹克有多棒时,你就会觉得价格无所谓。那件衣服穿着多年都会让我感觉特别好。

3.No doubt he had several weeks enjoyment out of imagining himself as the head of a smoothly functioning studio.这种自己要当一个井井有条的工作室主任的想法,无疑诱惑他长达数周之久。

4.Her deepest enjoyment was to feel the continuity between the movements of her own soul and the agitations of the world.她最深邃的欢乐,便是感到自己的内心活动和世界的风云变幻之间,存在着不可分割的联系。

5.Her presentiment at the time had not deceived her, that such a time of freedom and readiness for every enjoyment would never come again.预感没有欺骗她,无拘无束、随时都拥有所有快乐的生活已经一去不复返了。

6.Lost when a smile, say blessing at the time of lonepness, a sadness when . . . , will give comfort to the enjoyment of the United States.失落时的一个微笑、孤独时的一声祝福、忧伤时的一份慰籍…,都会给人以美的享受。

7.The subway station, not stand in the enjoyment of wind, and there was the wind is the most comfortable.下了地铁没有出站,站在那享受那里的阵阵风,那里的风是最舒服的。

8.Being abundant, every other care appeared to have subsided in the sense of enjoyment dependent on this all-important fact.只要食物很充足,吃饭这个重要问题解决以后,他们对其他一切事物的兴趣好象都低落了下来。

9.Quilp himself, with his hands in his pockets, smiled in an exquisite enjoyment of the commotion he occasioned.奎尔普本人两只手插在口袋里,正在笑容可掬地欣赏他所造成的骚动。

10.when the child was asleep, Hester had never felt a moment's safety: not a moment's calm enjoyment of her.从那时起,除非这孩子在睡觉,海丝特设有过片刻的安全感,也没有过片刻的宁静和由孩子带来的欢乐。